Thank you for helping me. After 48 hours of my account being suspended someone finally got back to me. At that point it was clear no one had looked at my case until that point, meaning no one took seriously my account was suspended or that that could be affecting me.
I went back and forth with someone, answered some follow up questions. It felt really good to be acknowledged, be able to share more information, and have a sense of the direction this case was going. It seemed positive to me.
But it’s been about 48 hours since I heard from someone. I sent some messages requesting follow up, as well as a reminder of what I was seeking. I did get a message in response to what I was seeking, but the response made me scared that some of the other posts in the forum would apply to me. That Airbnb would perceive me as too difficult and ban me.
This is what I said I was seeking:
1) immediate reinstatement of my account
2) payment for the extra night the guest stayed but did not pay
3) compensation for business lost during the time of suspension, and potential change of position within the algorithm to affect future earnings
4) generous compensation for damages to my physical and mental health due to the stress caused by Airbnb’s neglectful mishandling of this situation
5) Review of my recent safety report, and explanation of why that situation was disregarded and why in this situation my account is suspended
6) Policy within Airbnb to provide support every 3 hours to superhosts whose accounts are suspended for safety reasons
I didn’t list my properties with bookings or any other company, I put all my eggs in one basket with Airbnb, so this has me feeling way too vulnerable. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can think about this or what I should do to keep my peace of mind and my business?