Superhost status lost - how can I regain it?

Level 2
Tortosa, Spain

Superhost status lost - how can I regain it?

I have been a Superhost for the last 5 years. And am disappointed to have not qualified this season because I had two 1️ Reviews from guests that canceled on the day of arrival and due to my cancellation policy they did not receive a refund. Both these guests were only staying for one night (oh! The bane of  one nighters!). This has dropped my score down to 4.7. 

my point is - is it really fair that a guest who cancels gets to review you. Both of these guest were quite rude to me and I pay the price for their inadequate planning. 

Is there a way I can redeem my status?

18 Replies 18
Level 10
California, United States

@Helen744  Can you elaborate? 


We hold ourselves to a 5.0 standard just because it's what we decide to do.  Listings almost always ultimately lose the 5.0 status (falling to 4.97-4.99).  It only takes one self-absorbed/horrible-person guest to look around at the amazing space you created and decide that it's their job to knock you down a peg.  However, there are a VERY select few hosts/listings that manage to keep the 5.0 into the hundreds of reviews. 


Those 5.0 listings/hosts are not to be looked at with suspicion, but with great admiration.

@Richard531 how outrageous am I to even suggest skullduggery. I  can tell you and you know already that the star system is flawed. It is not a criticism  just a reflection,of how the star system makes someone who is worn to a frazzle, sometimes feel. Also the knife edge that is the star system is always there waiting for the unwary. Its all arbitrary and in the hands of the guests , not us I love detective novels and always put some in my house H

@Richard531 Another minor thing Richard obviously we have different categories,working through the 'system, so maybe there can be 'home based ,hands on hosts ' as one category and 'always five star hosts  in another"the system is not always based on 'who tries hardest , or spends the most or outsources the most or provides the most 'freebies'. We all use the same somewhat flawed system ,and guests can only compare between like with like so when they maybe 'pay more and change their 'category' without knowing it then they automatically mark a different category down or another up.We cannot use the system so how can guests ? The 'categories dont work either . H

@Denice0 I do think a category or filter ,for those of us who do, hands on hosting, as opposed to those who outsource and have multiple listings  should be . ' Hosted by the Owner', or something similar or hosted by" the owner and friends" or ' "Hosted by a local owner' . There are so many mutiple listings and these forums make it very clear that hosts, who are only hosting one house, their own ,need to be differentiated  from the multiple listings. We are unuique and special but give us something so that we become that category or filter . Acknowledge these people Airbnb ?H