
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Suspended Superhost Account for Problem Guest and No Response from support!

Level 4
Fayette, ME

Suspended Superhost Account for Problem Guest and No Response from support!

This week has been one of the most stressful weeks of my life. My pride and joy… my Airbnb dream was suspended. Probably permanently.


It has been a lifelong goal to open a small hotel. To get closer to that dream, I invested my motivation, positive energy, saved finances, and made sacrifices to create two beautiful lakeside rental properties. As a reward, I’ve been blessed with six years of extraordinary guests. I love the interactions and friendships I’ve built with my guests over the years. I have enjoyed much pleasure from making my Airbnb renters happy by providing them with a treasured and memorable experience amongst a serene and beautiful setting. Some guests cry when they leave.

No joke.


Last week a couple with only one review (who I had a bad premonition about), were the one bad apple to destroy my Airbnb business. Their profile had no photo (not good), and is a preference I require. Then came a request to bring two dogs, even though the house is pet free (guests with allergies can enjoy. I have another listing next door that’s dog friendly). The couple gave me the hard sell that their two “well behaved” canines were non barking, non-roaming, obedient, dogs. They promised the dogs would stay off the furniture, and the premises inside would be totally clean of hair and outside they would clean up the poop. Against my better judgment and my instincts screaming “no, no, no”, I reluctantly said okay to the dogs. Big mistake.

You probably already know where this is going, but there’s more for later.


Because my properties are in a very rural area with plenty of wild animals to tangle with, and these were city dogs, I required that the dogs would be on a leash at all times when they were outside. No roaming, especially because my other guests next door had two dogs, and I didn’t want any dog fights. I also directed the couple to read the pet rules for my listing next door. They obviously didn’t.


When the couple arrived, the dogs leapt out of the car unleashed, tearing around completely out of control, barking like crazy. The younger dog immediately jumped on me and nipped my hand when I pushed him off. He then ran off into the woods and wouldn’t come when called, resulting in ten minutes of chasing the dog. All this in just the first few minutes. This wasn’t going well. The wife reassured me that this chaos was temporary. It wasn’t.


Throughout the first three days there was barking. A lot of loud barking and yelping. Any time the humans were in the lake, the dogs were freaking out and barking. I should of put my foot down and stopped the barking, but didn’t. Why, I don’t know. Probably because it was a short visit, and I’m not into conflict. After the couple left on the morning of the third day, the guests from the other house confronted me and asked when the dogs were leaving. I told them the couple and their dogs were gone. Then came the stories that the trouble dogs had tried to get into the other house at least four times. Had they of been successful, it would of been a bad scene. The possibility of a dangerous dog fight starting from the roaming dogs forced my other guests to keep their sweet dogs inside. Not fair to my other guests. Not fair to the good dogs.


The couple had to repeatedly retrieve their roaming pets, and when doing so, never apologized to my other guests for the disturbance their dogs were creating. They were weird (for lack of a better word), rude, and not at all like the type of guests that stay at my cabins.


After three nights, the couple wanted to depart a day early (I think because it was raining. Btw - I don’t control the weather). They only wanted to pay for 3 out of 4 nights, and no cleaning fee. I’ve never received such a request. Most of my guests want to extend their stay because they love the cabins and setting so much. Anyway, I declined their refund request based on the fact that my booking preferences were clearly stated on Airbnb as “Strict”. Now is my peak season, and if I returned their money I would lose a day’s income. More importantly, the guests had clearly violated some of my most prioritized rules (my intuition was spot on), endangering and annoying my other Airbnb guests next door with constant and potentially aggressive visits from the dogs. Also, the white haired dog was definitely on my couch, as his hair was ingrained in the fabric. The dark haired dog was in the beds, resulting in having to wash the duvet and sheets multiple times to eliminate the dark hair. Of course there was dog poop in plain sight in my driveway.

I’m flexible and fair, but I don’t reward bad behavior… for humans or dogs.


The guests didn’t like the financial outcome of not getting their money, so they told obvious lies that escalated the case. Based on the facts I presented, Airbnb declined their refund. At that point the couple started slinging more

lies about the property and my actions as a host. They wanted that money at any cost.


In the end, Airbnb only listened to the couple’s side of the dispute with no input from me. There was no logical discussion, and my voice didn’t count… but a dishonest guest’s bs that resulted in me being booted off Airbnb, that counted. I’ll never know the what or why of the circumstances.


I knew something was up when I was locked out of the Airbnb app. I called “Superhost Support” (ha!), and was told my account was suspended. No other explanations were given, but they promised an Airbnb manager would call “within two hours”. That call never came, and I doubt it ever will. I’ll probably never know what the back story is. Airbnb is radio silent and ghosting me,  which I’m assuming is not good, and I’m probably kicked off Airbnb for not kissing the bad guest’s *ss. How unprofessional, unethical, and completely incongruent with the Airbnb mantra that “we’re here for you! Thank you for being a Superhost”.



I’ve been a Superhost for six years, with a decent rating of 4.98, and over 120 amazing reviews from the hundreds of happy guests that I’ve had the pleasure of hosting. What motivation would I have to spontaneously jeopardize the years of hard work I’ve invested to prioritize Airbnb and make my cabins one of the “Top 5 Must Stay At Lakefront Cabins” in Maine (according to an unsolicited popular article on social media that resulted in five bookings)? It doesn’t make any sense. Instead of fairness and support from Airbnb, I received a punch to the gut. I lost what has been my sole income since the pandemic started, which is a huge disaster (I’m immune compromised). Even more tragically is saying goodbye to my dream.


I have multiple new guests arriving soon to both of my listings. Without my app functioning, contact numbers, etc, how do I manage the guests? Will their vacation stay be canceled? Will the remaining bookings till November be canceled and I won’t receive that income?!!

With no one at Airbnb answering my calls and questions, what am I to do??? Man am I stressed… help please!!

43 Replies 43

@Gordon0  This truly is a numbers game… with illogical math deciding the fate of hosts. Is it possible that occasionally hosts violate rules and protocols and need to be disciplined? Absolutely. But the vast majority of us are guided by our ethical standards to do the right thing to protect our guests as well as ourselves.


Btw… while we’re on the topic of host support, did anyone here get a superhost Covid relief check as promised by Brian Chesky? I bill out $50k a year (not a big number, but not chump change) and got a check for $87. Just another illustration of that wonderful “support” we’re all getting from Airbnb.


Okay, I’ll quit ranting and get back on social media so I can spread more news and good cheer to future hosts about Airbnb’s dirty little secrets. That’s a lot of messages sent before September 3rd…


I’m deeply appreciative of everyone’s support. Your words have helped soothe my anxiety. Please keep those cards and letters coming, thank you!

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

This is like if the restaurant owner fires his long-time, reliable and excellent waiter because of an unproven complaint of one drunken, new guest. I've never heard something like that happen and I know a few cafe bars and restaurant owners.

But here on Airbnb, it happens on a daily basis. Weird.



 it's like one of these very bad restaurants at a tourist corner who doesn't care about the quality of their food as long as they can sell large quantities.


Update: After 8 years of being a superhost and 400+ ratings all my listings were suspended one morning and I was not informed or contacted in regards of the reason.


There was no one I could talk to and this was very frustrating and concerning experience. I do not think this is a great way of handling it. There should be at least a message or an email saying that a guest complained and that with x days someone will contact you to review the case. Right now, it's just no information at all. And reading through the comments here, you could easily guess you entire airbnb career is over. In some cases, this may have sever impacts on the financial situation and for that reason I believe it would be fair to keep the superhosts or any host in fact more in the loop of what's going on behind the scenes.


However, about 10 days later I received a call from airbnb and explained what I believed could have been the issue. 24 hours later my account and all listings were restored. In my case, a guest didn't check out and tried to stay longer and when I had to tell them to leave they filed a report that I accessed the property without their consent, which was simply a fabrication made to damage me for not letting them check out late.


My advice to you if your accounts are suspended is that you relax and think if you made a mistake. If you have not made a mistake, I'm pretty sure airbnb will realise that and support you.  They call you and listen to you and it just takes them 10 days to get to your case and then about 24 hours to review it. 


Maybe I was lucky, but my faith in airbnb has been restored. I felt it was important to tell this to the community as well.

Level 10
Lusby, MD

@David6391 Even though I have read many posts similar to yours, this one really scared me. Knowing that this can keep happening to hosts has finally sunk in. If this can happen to a SH—one who has been in business for years with exemplary ratings—it really can happen to anyone! And this is not just a cliche. 

I am so sorry that you are dealing with this catastrophe. Just know that I, along with all other hosts, empathize with you. 

But you know what I want you to do. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and think, THIS TOO SHALL PASS, because it will. Someone at airbnb will reach out and correct this. I just believe they will. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but it will happen.  


You already see several hosts have tagged the Director of Airbnb Hosting and she has been known to respond. This guest and no info from airbnb has put you in a horrendous situation, and has also dampened your dream and spirit. But don’t let it. I have learned a valuable lesson here today that I will put into motion immediately. 

1. Definitely no sidestepping from my house rules. NO means NO. And no exceptions. 

2. A minimum of 2 recent positive reviews, which I’ll decipher, also read between the lines, and make a decision that’s best for me. 

3.  And I’ll not be afraid to have a talk with guests who can’t follow house rules. And I won’t hesitate  to cancel a reservation if guests continue to break house rules!


From your post, I know now you will always follow your gut instinct, and from this day forward, so will I. 

We’re all rooting for a favorable outcome for you, and one real soon. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Gwen386 wrote:


But you know what I want you to do. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and think, THIS TOO SHALL PASS, because it will. Someone at airbnb will reach out and correct this. I just believe they will. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but it will happen.  


I appreciate your sentiment about remaining stoical. There is no point crying over spilt milk, after all...


BUT, what about the lost bookings, the poor future guests whose trips are cancelled last minute and the stress and wasted time that @David6391 has to deal with in the meantime? Will Airbnb compensate him for that? Will they compensate the future guests whose trips got cancelled? I doubt it very much because I have not yet read of an example here on the CC where that was the case.


What I have read is of hosts recounting how, when the suspension was lifted because the guest's claim was found to be bogus, the host was still told "don't do it again, you know, that thing you didn't do anyway, but don't do it again," and "we'll be putting a note on your file, so if you do it again (that thing you didn't do), then there will be REAL penalties."


The whole thing is absurd. If Airbnb's trust and safety department were responsible for paying out for every penny of lost income that a host incurred due to these wrongful suspensions, I bet you the rate of these suspensions would decline considerably....

I don’t know why I’m laughing @Huma0 , but I love your take on the absurdity and sad truth of it all…


…the host was still told "don't do it again, you know, that thing you didn't do anyway, but don't do it again," and "we'll be putting a note on your file, so if you do it again (that thing you didn't do), then there will be REAL penalties."


Yup. This incident is going down on my permanent record.  Lol

Your words, advice, and caring ring true @Gwen386 ! Thank you for the motivation to keep pushing for a proper solution based on facts, not fiction. I will keep fighting this unnecessary battle, if not for myself, then for the remaining Superhosts. And yes, ALWAYS follow your instincts, and be sure to enforce your house rules. It’s your home - your dream.

Level 4
Fayette, ME

Not a peep from Airbnb.

Am I surprised? No.


The longer this ghosting continues, the more anxious, frustrated, and irritated I get waiting for a fair resolution to my issue. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @David6391


Thank you for sharing your experience here, and for all the details you've provided! I'm really sorry to hear you've had such a challenging time during these guest's stay, and did not feel you got the support you needed afterwards. I've shared all this with the team on my end so it can be looked into and follow-up on. 


Speak soon, 





Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thank you for your quick reply @Emilie ,

as well as your willingness to remedy this unfortunate situation I’m in presently. Let’s hope for an amicable solution,

as well as increased awareness from  Airbnb’s support team. The more I research, the more I find out that I’m not alone. There appears to be many hosts in the same predicament I’m trying to get out of. 
I’m confident that your efforts will be effective, and we can all move on and start anew.








Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@David6391 I hope it'll be resolved shortly! If I get any update I'll let you know, but the team should follow-up with you directly. 🙂





Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Good evening @Emilie.

The situation has taken a turn for worst. All of my future Airbnb bookings are no longer showing. From the appearance of my Airbnb app/web page it seems I truly have been dropped from Airbnb, as well as my upcoming guests vacation bookings. This is tragic for not only me, but the people that have trusted Airbnb with their travel plans. I think buy the time the dust settles, Airbnb will have lost significant income as well

as guests that will drop the platform for the treatment they are receiving.

I’ve already talked to one of the families that I host for their annual vacation. They have already pledged their solidarity if my problems

aren’t solved, as well as follow and

support me wherever I choose to host.

All this drama, unprofessional (and possibly illegal) corporate policy and ethics, just so one dishonest family can wreck havoc, cause harm,

and ruin trust within the Airbnb community. And for what??


I truly appreciate your concern and efforts. It’s been over twelve hours since our last message, and the support team still hasn’t contacted me. I’ll wait some more, but my confidence in the system is waning quickly.



@David6391 please keep calling and/or continuously emailing CS. Don’t let up! Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the oil. 

I’m doing my best @Gwen386!

Thank you for the encouragement.

Unfortunately, I can only contact their “support center”, which is clearly a scripted call center in the Philippines without any power to assist. I haven’t been able to make any progress there, as I always get “a representative will be in touch with you soon sir”.

Not ideal, but I’ll keep up my efforts.

It’s my birthday today, so maybe there’s an Airbnb b-day present in the cards :))