
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Suspended Superhost Account for Problem Guest and No Response from support!

Level 4
Fayette, ME

Suspended Superhost Account for Problem Guest and No Response from support!

This week has been one of the most stressful weeks of my life. My pride and joy… my Airbnb dream was suspended. Probably permanently.


It has been a lifelong goal to open a small hotel. To get closer to that dream, I invested my motivation, positive energy, saved finances, and made sacrifices to create two beautiful lakeside rental properties. As a reward, I’ve been blessed with six years of extraordinary guests. I love the interactions and friendships I’ve built with my guests over the years. I have enjoyed much pleasure from making my Airbnb renters happy by providing them with a treasured and memorable experience amongst a serene and beautiful setting. Some guests cry when they leave.

No joke.


Last week a couple with only one review (who I had a bad premonition about), were the one bad apple to destroy my Airbnb business. Their profile had no photo (not good), and is a preference I require. Then came a request to bring two dogs, even though the house is pet free (guests with allergies can enjoy. I have another listing next door that’s dog friendly). The couple gave me the hard sell that their two “well behaved” canines were non barking, non-roaming, obedient, dogs. They promised the dogs would stay off the furniture, and the premises inside would be totally clean of hair and outside they would clean up the poop. Against my better judgment and my instincts screaming “no, no, no”, I reluctantly said okay to the dogs. Big mistake.

You probably already know where this is going, but there’s more for later.


Because my properties are in a very rural area with plenty of wild animals to tangle with, and these were city dogs, I required that the dogs would be on a leash at all times when they were outside. No roaming, especially because my other guests next door had two dogs, and I didn’t want any dog fights. I also directed the couple to read the pet rules for my listing next door. They obviously didn’t.


When the couple arrived, the dogs leapt out of the car unleashed, tearing around completely out of control, barking like crazy. The younger dog immediately jumped on me and nipped my hand when I pushed him off. He then ran off into the woods and wouldn’t come when called, resulting in ten minutes of chasing the dog. All this in just the first few minutes. This wasn’t going well. The wife reassured me that this chaos was temporary. It wasn’t.


Throughout the first three days there was barking. A lot of loud barking and yelping. Any time the humans were in the lake, the dogs were freaking out and barking. I should of put my foot down and stopped the barking, but didn’t. Why, I don’t know. Probably because it was a short visit, and I’m not into conflict. After the couple left on the morning of the third day, the guests from the other house confronted me and asked when the dogs were leaving. I told them the couple and their dogs were gone. Then came the stories that the trouble dogs had tried to get into the other house at least four times. Had they of been successful, it would of been a bad scene. The possibility of a dangerous dog fight starting from the roaming dogs forced my other guests to keep their sweet dogs inside. Not fair to my other guests. Not fair to the good dogs.


The couple had to repeatedly retrieve their roaming pets, and when doing so, never apologized to my other guests for the disturbance their dogs were creating. They were weird (for lack of a better word), rude, and not at all like the type of guests that stay at my cabins.


After three nights, the couple wanted to depart a day early (I think because it was raining. Btw - I don’t control the weather). They only wanted to pay for 3 out of 4 nights, and no cleaning fee. I’ve never received such a request. Most of my guests want to extend their stay because they love the cabins and setting so much. Anyway, I declined their refund request based on the fact that my booking preferences were clearly stated on Airbnb as “Strict”. Now is my peak season, and if I returned their money I would lose a day’s income. More importantly, the guests had clearly violated some of my most prioritized rules (my intuition was spot on), endangering and annoying my other Airbnb guests next door with constant and potentially aggressive visits from the dogs. Also, the white haired dog was definitely on my couch, as his hair was ingrained in the fabric. The dark haired dog was in the beds, resulting in having to wash the duvet and sheets multiple times to eliminate the dark hair. Of course there was dog poop in plain sight in my driveway.

I’m flexible and fair, but I don’t reward bad behavior… for humans or dogs.


The guests didn’t like the financial outcome of not getting their money, so they told obvious lies that escalated the case. Based on the facts I presented, Airbnb declined their refund. At that point the couple started slinging more

lies about the property and my actions as a host. They wanted that money at any cost.


In the end, Airbnb only listened to the couple’s side of the dispute with no input from me. There was no logical discussion, and my voice didn’t count… but a dishonest guest’s bs that resulted in me being booted off Airbnb, that counted. I’ll never know the what or why of the circumstances.


I knew something was up when I was locked out of the Airbnb app. I called “Superhost Support” (ha!), and was told my account was suspended. No other explanations were given, but they promised an Airbnb manager would call “within two hours”. That call never came, and I doubt it ever will. I’ll probably never know what the back story is. Airbnb is radio silent and ghosting me,  which I’m assuming is not good, and I’m probably kicked off Airbnb for not kissing the bad guest’s *ss. How unprofessional, unethical, and completely incongruent with the Airbnb mantra that “we’re here for you! Thank you for being a Superhost”.



I’ve been a Superhost for six years, with a decent rating of 4.98, and over 120 amazing reviews from the hundreds of happy guests that I’ve had the pleasure of hosting. What motivation would I have to spontaneously jeopardize the years of hard work I’ve invested to prioritize Airbnb and make my cabins one of the “Top 5 Must Stay At Lakefront Cabins” in Maine (according to an unsolicited popular article on social media that resulted in five bookings)? It doesn’t make any sense. Instead of fairness and support from Airbnb, I received a punch to the gut. I lost what has been my sole income since the pandemic started, which is a huge disaster (I’m immune compromised). Even more tragically is saying goodbye to my dream.


I have multiple new guests arriving soon to both of my listings. Without my app functioning, contact numbers, etc, how do I manage the guests? Will their vacation stay be canceled? Will the remaining bookings till November be canceled and I won’t receive that income?!!

With no one at Airbnb answering my calls and questions, what am I to do??? Man am I stressed… help please!!

43 Replies 43
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@David6391 Sorry to hear about this! I've shared with the team the latest you've mentioned just now. 


A belated happy birthday to you, in spite of these challenges!! 🙂





Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

Thank you for the birthday wishes @Emilie . Despite having a not-so-good phone call on my bday from Airbnb support, I’m doing okay. 

The support team member, Chris, called me to ask three questions that required a “yes” or “no” answer. I’m assuming those questions pertained to the charges against me, but were never confirmed. This leaves me even in an even more confused and anxious state of mind.

I attempted to tell my side of the story and put an end to this ridiculous madness, but my description of the events seem to fall on deaf ears. Chris said that someone from a higher up team would look at the situation and make a decision “in two days”. Well, it’s going on Day Three, and no response from Airbnb. They’re dragging the dispute out as long as possible. It’s now well over a week, and I have two houses full of guests that were scheduled to arrive on their vacation, but I have no way to warn them they could very well be canceled and they have to try to get a refund on their flights and make new vacation plans. I feel horrible about their treatment, more

so than the way I’m being treated. 

I’m starting to rant, so I’ll sign off. Thank you for your consideration in trying to resolve this ludicrous situation. I hope in the future that Airbnb learns from this negative and illogical experience, and implements new rules that are fair and considerate towards the people that made Airbnb the successful company it is today.





@Sudsrung0  @M199  @Gwen386  @Huma0 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@David6391 wrote:

I hope in the future that Airbnb learns from this negative and illogical experience, and implements new rules that are fair and considerate towards the people that made Airbnb the successful company it is today.


I would hope so too, but unfortunately my hope is quite slim right now. As ludicrous as it seems, I have read many stories like yours here on the CC and, as mentioned before, it's probably only a minority of hosts who post on here, so who knows the extent of this issue?


While the CC admins like @Emilie do sometimes flag up these issues with the teams at Airbnb, I don't yet recall seeing any feedback coming from Airbnb as to how they plan to tackle this problem. In fact, I have seen no acknowledgement that they recognise it as a problem. But who knows? Perhaps someone is looking at it behind the scenes with a view to creating a better system for dealing with complaints (or accusations). 


I am sorry you are still getting the run around. I can only imagine how stressful all of this is.

@David6391 I am so sad that this fiasco has not been resolved. What were the 3 questions asked?

Was this ever resolved. I am so emotionally exhausted and mentally overworked from something similar just happening to me this morning. A vindictive, dishonest guest just did the same thing to me after staying with me for 3 whole weeks. 

I have to say, I feel the rep who suspended my account may be just as vindictive because I don't feel this could be by accident or normal protocol to destroy a Superhost. 

Please help. 

Here is my story and question I just posted today:

@Emilie  Who is "The Team" you share with, exactly? 


Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

@David6391 , @Emilie , @Catherine-Powell 


Again, another sad state of a company not working with their main knowledgable and experienced suppliers.  I wonder how many of these situations do not make it to this discussion board??  I know several Superhosts who absolutely refuse to get involved on the Community Center.  Also, how many hosts just give up, walk away, aren't engaged, etc.  That, along with cities and municipalities banning STR'S.  Lost markets for STR'S because of negative tech reputation. Tired of hearing about Superhosts losing their dreams.


So 😔 

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



First I would like to offer you my support and hope you get this resolved, like yesterday,

We used to be in quite a few FB groups you see these situations a lot more in there, It seems a lot of host never bother to come here in CC,

Up to now we have never had a problem with Airbnb I have to say it's been the opposite for us, but it's always in the back of my mind "What if" basically shut down your business just like that,

To me it looks like lots of Airbnb host rely to much on Airbnb for their business, as you know there are many other platforms you can register in my case they are not as good as Airbnb but thats not to say they wont work for you, At least get yourself listed on them.

I dont know what other host do, We download that guest info straight away and make contact with them we have their phone numbers and whats apps, 

If that ever did happen to us we could contact them direct and at least recover the booking.

There has to be a better way to handle things like this from Airbnb and the Guest maybe I'll make a post I think would be a good debate amongst fellow host

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @David6391


The team has confirmed to me this had been resolved now!


@Huma0 We try and help as much as we can, however you know that if you come across a post that we've not picked up on yet you can tag our team and we'll take a closer look. Regarding the overall feedback on the process, we have relayed it to the team, as we do with all your valuable comments here across the CC. 🙂 





Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines

@David6391  Was this resolved in your favor. Keeping my fingers crossed. 


I see your listing is back up. Thats a good start.  What was the outcome?

Level 10
New York, NY

Can someone help me by visiting a post I created today at:


I do hope I posted properly and it is open to be reviewed and receive responses. Thank you. 

I am superhost as well and all my listings has been suspended. There have been some emails from Airbnb but they don`t say what have I done wrongly or what exactly has happened. Also no one is answering my questions. What a desperation!!!! I have been hosting in Airbnb since 2011 and never experianced something like this

Level 2
Peoria, AZ

Did this ever get resolved?

Level 10
California, United States



It took me years to figure out that host shall never loose the check in requirements, including pets. 


however, i did it again this year when i opened the door to a single mom with baby and and i end up calling police on the reservation and this person is still live on airbnb platform since she counter complained about me for non clean. 


Standing in Airbnb’s shoes, you can’t do anything better than that. Airbnb have received a complaint, and you’ll have to deal with it. 


So, in this situation, you are most likely getting the account back after suspension investigation unless it’s a discrimination suit/complaint. 

What do you mean by preference in profile picture? is it you only prefer certain gu3sts? that is discrimination. elaborate please.