Text Messaging Guests

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Text Messaging Guests

When it comes to communicating with guests, which is a fundamental part of providing exceptional hospitality, I see two types of guests: those with the app and those without.

For guests using the app, communication is usually quicker and smoother. They update their arrival time, send requests when needed, and report any issues promptly.

However, for guests who don’t have the app installed, communication becomes much more challenging, often at the expense of the host’s ability to provide excellent service. These guests rely on emails, and some don’t have a laptop with them. The desktop they used to make the reservation is at home, and they aren’t even aware of the messages we send.

I once read in a community post from a host with far more experience than me that she switches to WhatsApp or text messages for all her guests. I wish I could remember her name to tag and thank her.

In the beginning, I thought it was better to keep all communication within the system, just in case any issues arise. But now I think I have no choice but to move to text messages for guests not using the app.

Just as there’s an option to decline reservations from guests without a profile picture, there should be an option to not accept guests who aren’t using the app.

Additionally, I believe Airbnb should really encourage guests to install the app and learn how to use it. Maybe part of the reservation process could be completed via the app.

Meanwhile, I’ll take the experienced host’s advice and switch to text messages when I notice a guest isn’t responding via the Airbnb app.

I consider starting with the following message:

Hello (guest name),

This is Guy, your host at (listing name).

We’re looking forward to your stay. I’ve sent you some important messages through the Airbnb app, and I noticed you haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

I highly recommend downloading the app so that communication between us (and with other hosts) is easier. Thanks!

If you prefer not to install or use the app, or you can’t do that, we can continue communicating through this channel. Please let me know your preference.

Kind regards,


Please share some more ideas before I put this into action.
Thank you.

9 Replies 9
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Guy991 


Agree 💯% with what you're saying!  We all know how important it is to use the Airbnb message system during our communication with guests but sometimes, it's just not feasible as you quite rightly point out as guests haven't installed the app prior to leaving. 


A message from Airbnb reminding guests to upload the application if they haven't already done so would solve many a headache for all concerned especially when we know that "communication" is something that both hosts and guests are rated on.  


I let guests know that I'm available through both methods when I meet and greet and it's also in my welcome book.


I've also had the case when a message sent to a guest didn't have the "read by X" and when I asked them about it, they said that they had read it via email and hadn't gone into the app which explains why I didn't get the notification.  At least with WhatsApp you can see that is has been sent and if it has been read - no excuse😉

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Guy991 😊

Thank you for bringing up this topic in the community!


I think it’s very interesting, and it would be great to hear what experienced Hosts think about it.

I'll mention @Andrea6232@Zheng49@Joan2709@Robin4@Dr-Jayanthi1 and @Frances3408


Let's discuss this together, thank you in advance!


Warm regards🌻,



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Buonasera @Elisa @Guy991 @Joelle43 ,


immediately after booking I send a scheduled message to the guest asking to download the Airbnb app so that we can communicate easily and faster.


Until now I did not have problems and I always communicated via Airbnb app.


Only a few times I had to remind the guest via Whatsapp that there were messages on the app waiting for a reply 😉





I like that - I'm going to add that to my welcome message too😊 Thank you!

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

@Joelle43 @Andrea6232 


I am also going to add it to my welcome message. 


I only use the Airbnb app for messaging and haven't had an issue for the most part.


When guests request my wechat or whatspp, etc. I just tell them that I would prefer it if all communication could be kept on Airbnb instead.


This forces them to get the app which is a win-win.


Believe me, guests also don't want to miss out on vital communication from the host! 


On the other spectrum, I have completed many stays with no communication between me or the guest, since we have detailed instructions for self-checkin so if the guest doesn't want/need to communicate, it's also okay with us. 


Also last but not least, the app is not required to see/reply to messages. You can just as easily log into your account on the mobile browser and communicate that way. The app is NOT necessary. 

Hi @Zheng49 😊

Thank you for sharing your perspective on this topic!


I would like to share with you a tip to better communicate in the community.

👉Don't forget to mention the Host by typing @ followed by their name so they will know you're replying to them.


Warm regards🌻,



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Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

I have been using WhatsApp for communication with my guests for six years. If they don't have WhatsApp, I use SMS. I mainly use WhatsApp for tourist information and practical matters. When I need to communicate something formally, I do so via both WhatsApp and the Airbnb website.

Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



Our guests overwhelmingly prefer WhatsApp because they use it everyday. And they don't ignore it. 


And WhatsApp has important features that the Airbnb app doesn't have.


Of course, anything "questionable", then it's best to use the Airbnb app.