What constitutes a firm bed?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

What constitutes a firm bed?

Just got this from a guest ...I have one person that has special needs. She needs to have a “good” bed. Just a bed that is on the firm side and supportive for her achy joints and back...

I am really uncomfortable making subjective promises. If someone asks "how far" I reply in blocks or miles, never close or far. Should I tell them the brand of what I have? Also, this is for November. What if I need to replace the mattress? I will be stuck making sure I am buying the same thing? I won't even remember to do that

32 Replies 32
Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Inna22 I have had requests like this. I always say something like the following:


"Hi guest-- Thanks so much for your question. My mattresses are these (insert link if possible or cut and paste info on the mattresses.) I can't honestly tell you if they would be appropriate as beds are such a personal item. What is firm for one person may be totally wrong for another. When I was researching what to buy I relied a lot on customer reviews so perhaps reading through some on the link will give you a measured perspective? Most of our guests compliment our mattresses, but I do understand how individualized tastes can be for a good night's sleep. Thank you!"


I, like you, do not get involved splitting hairs over opinions on amenities. I let the guests decide if it will work. That way I can't be blamed for promising something they don't like.


I put in my listing the brand and model of the mattress I provide, and its age. I also state that it is the same one I sleep on, which is true. When I've been asked, I say the same as @Laura2592 says, which is that a mattress is such a personal preference item, and our bodies are all so different, that there is no way I can  tell someone what it feels like, except that I personally love it. As @Till-and-Jutta0 said, it is quicksand to make any health related promises. I just do my best to provide my own standards of comfort. 

@Kitty-and-Creek0 I don’t like to commit in my listing to anything that might potentially change. For example, I will put the steer count but I would not put the brand of the mattress. What if a guest soils it and you end up having to replace it urgently? And then the next guest is the one who really cares about the brand of the mattress and now complains


I have enough layers of excellent protection on my mattresses that someone would have to deliberately work very hard to stain one, removing them all by hand, with scissors or a sharp knife. I've never had an issue like that, which would likely involve the police if it ever did.  It is more likely that bedding or top layer of the top waterproof mattress pad would get soiled. I have replacements for those on hand. 

@Laura2592 That’s great wording, thank you for sharing

I think this an excellent response. We've only been up and running for three months, but if I get this question, I'll use your suggestion, and ask them to read the guest reviews. We have had a couple of guests who have mentioned in their reviews that they loved the mattress.

The Historic Mountain View
Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

I've learned: Never make any health-related promises.

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Inna22 It doesn’t matter. The very question would result in a decline from me. 

There is absolutely zero way to know until the stay is over, whether that mattress is going to be satisfactory for the guest. High likelihood of problematic stay. Jmo. 

@Colleen253 yeah I would probably not cancel if they had already booked just on the basis of this concern, but I would DEFINITELY decline if they had not yet booked. One does sometimes wonder how people travel with all of these hyperspecific needs. 


How do these folks manage to travel? With a motorhome, where they can control everything inside their home on wheels.

@Inna22  Even if you were able to commit to having a specific brand and model of mattress in place in November, you still wouldn't be in any position to say what condition it will be in after all the guests who use is in the coming months.


I would decline this request, or encourage the guest to cancel if it's an Instant Book. But if you feel this booking is worthwhile despite the guest being high-maintenance, it's probably best just to point out that each bed in the multi-bed home is different and hopefully the group will cooperate in letting her stay on the one that suits her best. 



@Anonymous @Inna22 

As for the condition of the mattress after some months, I consider it my job to monitor that, and replace a mattress when appropriate. No one should pay to stay in a broken down foxhole mattress, at least in my house!

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

I've had a guest strip the bed down to inspect the mattress, then tell me it's too old and should be replaced. Had other guests say they loved the mattress. When it comes to a mattress you cannot please all people. We had a memory foam mattress for a year, hated it. some people love them. 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Gillian166 "I've had a guest strip the bed down to inspect the mattress, then tell me it's too old and should be replaced."


You need bed bug encasements. They make it impossible for anyone to get down to the mattress. At least, the ones I have do.