What constitutes the average/good/bad guest?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

What constitutes the average/good/bad guest?

Actually I generally know what a BAD guest looks like and thankfully I haven't had many. But I'm curious how hosts handle and review the not great and not terrible guests.


If for us the average airbnb guest is pretty damnwell close to perfect, I.E. kitchen spotless, linens in hamper, lights off, great communication, garbage removed, dotes on place : ) then does someone who doesn't take garbage out, leaves dirty dishes, bed still ruffled but has good communication also deserve a high rating? Is it fair to punish them for not being the average perfect guest?


Is it fair to say they weren't tidy because they left dishes and garbage and place askew? If it isn't tidal wave level? I know for some it's a matter of whether or not I charge a cleaning fee. I DO. But my point is that most guests (the guests I really would recommend) still leave our place in near perfect condition.


My cleaning fee covers hardcore pro level laundry and cleaning. It's not there so you can act like a slob and leave dirty dishes all over the place.



22 Replies 22
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Julie1104   These are not "your issues" They are objective issues- the guest did not abide by the house rules and wasn't respectful. The fact that she was upbeat and friendly and you liked her doesn't negate the fact that she would not be a welcome guest to other hosts if she thought that her wedding activity superceded your house rules and that is what the guest reviews are about-alerting other hosts to guests who ignore the house rules. I'm sure she was all in a flutter about her wedding and as such, it was obviously "all about her".

You don't have to slag her or make her sound like a horrible person in your review- "XXX, while an upbeat and friendly person, and obviously caught up in the excitement of her wedding, ignored several house rules and arrived 4 hours later than arranged, without notice to that effect, with unregistered guests in tow. Evidence of smoking, perhaps by one of her unregistered guests, on my non-smoking property. Perhaps had she been a guest other than at her chaotic wedding time, she would have behaved more responsibly, but based on my experience with her, I regretfully cannot recommend." 

You can also send her a personal message, saying you were quite conflicted about the review, as you found her to be a nice person who probably didn't intend to behave so irresponsibly, but that in the end, you feel that reviews have to be honest.

Thanks Sarah. Very helpful. I appreciate your perspective, your obvious experience, your clear thoughts, and your sample response.


@Julie1104  I would also add in the baby to a no children allowed property. Thumbs down 3*'s or less in all categories. In private inform her how AirBnB is built on trust and she needs to step up her game to booked on it again. 

Thanks Letitia. Sounds like good advice.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Julie1104   It seems she informed you that this booking was around her wedding? If so, as soon as you checked her in to find out that she had brought unregistered guests, it was up to you to get her to amend her booking to include those guests. If she said, "Oh they're not spending the night", there might have been a discussion at that point about bringing other people on the property who weren't mentioned beforehand. Whether you wanted to allow that or not is your call, but it would have been the time to impress upon her that she will be held responsible for the behavior of all the people she invited onto your property without your prior knowledge or consent. And once you realized what was going on, it would have been best if you had kept a vigilant eye on this unexpected gathering, rather than being busy with your other work. You probably realize all this in hindsight 🙂

Yes, thanks Sarah. I am learning as I go... learning what questions to ask with new bookings. And how to stay on top of things as they come up, rather than later.

@Julie1104  Any time the word bride or wedding is mentioned it means over the guest count, all about the bride and her needs, plus they don't care if you have rules it all about her special time. Period lol! I run a wedding venue with vaction rentals, believe me this fact! Some of them are so entitled I actually laugh out loud at what they believe is their right to do in your home or in my case property.

Wow! Good to know Letitia!

I guess the flip side of the wedding coin was the adorable couple who were here two weeks prior to these guests. The groom was from the UK and the bride from Colorado USA. They were so appreciative, so respectful, so happy to find their "dream vacation spot" and were wishing they had booked this place for their honeymoon, instead of a week in the Caribbean. I hope they are not the exception to the rule.