Why do I suddenly have no bookings?

Level 1

Why do I suddenly have no bookings?


When we first put up our listing on Airbnb, there were a number of enquiries coming in everyday. But since the last 3-4 days, there's a sudden halt in enquiries.


I wonder if anyone encountered the same issue recently? Is it something wrong with my listing? 

Some enlightenment from other Hosts/Airbnb would be of great help!


Thank you  😊 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Denise710 @Marie70 @Helen19 @Helen427 


Girls, I am now of the opinion this is a glitch in the system and the reason it has not been fixed is because it is smasmodic, it is random and they can't track down where the error is! I don't know this but I suspect it!


I consistently average 10-12 reservations a month, have been doing so for the past 18 months. Even when my total views for the month were down to 320-360 I would still get at least 10 bookings. 

From the last week in March this year, through all of April and into May (Over 5 weeks)  I did not get one new booking....well that is not strictly true I did get 3 bookings as a result of pre-approvals I gave back in February. Apart from that absolutely nothing! At one stage my views page showed 1 new booking for past 30 days

I got onto CX and asked them to check on the status of my listing.....were they seeing something that I was not...or had my account been subject to internal treatment by Airbnb. She assured me all was good with my account and gave me a lot of stats....some that I was not even aware of and she said it must be just seasonal!

Within a day of making that call, all of a sudden the reservations are coming again. I have had 16 Airbnb bookings and 4 Stayz bookings in the past 30 days........

monthly bookings.png


Now at that point, my reaction was CX probably did a bit of resetting and got the booking ship upright again.


But I did have an interesting enquiry though. The guest said he had tried 3 or 4 times to book my listing in that drought period and he could not get past the check-out page. As soon as he tried to submitt for payment, the site said  booking failed, try again later. They waited for a couple of weeks and were about to go somewhere elsewhere and thought they would give the booking of my place one last try and, it went through! It was accepted. I asked him if there had been an issue with his payment method and he assured me there was nothing wrong on his end, it seemed to be an Airbnb problem!


Now fortunately this has not cost me anything, I had plenty of upcoming bookings anyway but I have heard of some hosts here who are being devistated by a sudden lack of business so I suggest keep on badgering CX. The more we get on their backs the more likely we are to try and hget to the bottom of this....what ever it is!





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206 Replies 206

here B&B used to be very good for us. We did quite a few bookings a couple of years back but since I've had to cancel a couple of bookings we don't seem to get much traffic anymore. In fact each month we are getting seem amounts of hits on the listings as we do in one day that's a competitor site

Just following on from from that, we get approximately 220 nights of bookings in the year for one of our properties via another competitor website. Also it seems that only cheap properties in our area are getting bookings through air BNB - those under $200 a night. I have to honestly say I'm thinking about delisting. 

Level 1
Saint Petersburg, FL

Hello, I set up to host starting in February 2017.  I was expecting at least a couple "views" and have received none of those even yet.  Is it unlikely that this could be beneficial for me (renting a room), or do I just need to give it time?  I mean I think my listing is very intriguing, maybe not?


Can someone please review it?


thanks in advance 

Josef, your place is lovely but the system will not allow any booking. December and January are blocked and for the other dates I got a message that the dates are "unavailable". You need to call airbnb and resolve the issue.

Wishing you a successful year as a host.


Hi Raquel, Thank you!


I was just updating my listing with new pictures, is it possible it wouldn't take a request for booking because it was temporarily unlisted then?


Also, I have purposely blocked out all of January, with a planned start date of February 1st.  Your help is much appreciated.  Is there a way I can check to se if it works now?


Thank you!



Level 1
Bangkok, Thailand

Its happened to me too

Always have enquiry first 30 days 

And suddenly none, not sure why.. 

My listing is in a great location, help


@Itsaree0, @Marie70, @Helen19

I have heard that airbnb gives new hosts a "boost" in the first several weeks; it's possible that your boost period has elapsed...Another important factor is keeping your listing active by regularly adding new photos, changing prices, changing description -- you need to make just small changes. Wishing all of you much success with your airbnb in 2017!!

Level 2
New South Wales, Australia

I've had the same issue! Having been trying to contact AirBnB about it- I was inundated with enquiries and suddenly, nothing! My reviews have been great, so I am completely baffled!

Level 2
Salvador, Brazil

This has happed to me as well. During low season, we were flooded with bookings. This time last year, our prices were much higher and we still were getting bookings. We have lots of 5 star reviews and are superhosts. And now for the most popular time of year Carnaval, we haven't had one inquiry. I even changed to instant bookings, which I wasn't so keen on doing. Still nothing. Same thing happened over New Years. Nothing so we had to change our plans.

Hi, this is also happening to us, this year so far we have only 1 booking for the summer, we don't get even not one request or mail ??? I see also that one of my listings is not viewed at all the last days... normally guests are making their bookings for the summer.. to me it is a bit strange because we kept the same price as last year and I updated my listings with nicer photos etc. I hope requests are coming in the next weeks... Thanks for advice !

Level 1
Boulder, CO

I have been booked almost solid for the last 6 months but NOTHING now since January 1st 2017.  I have bookings for June 2017 but nothing inbetween seems just really strange to me 

Brett, first thing: check from another computer to see if your property appears in searches in your area. If your property does show in searches, check your competition and adjust your listing if necessary. Reduce the price by a few dollars, change the sequence of the photos, tweak the description, and then see what happens.

Level 1
Washington, DC

Hi, I'm a relatively new host (Started in September). We were doing okay for a couple months, and then nothing. Strange thing:  we don't even get views. Our first reviews were postive (4+ stars) with some suggestions for improvement, but I didn't think the suggestions were enough to turn people off. I've tried everything: lowering the price, opening up the weekdays (we were only doing weekends before), adding better descriptions, adding better photos, improving the actual space.... I'm just at a loss. 


For the people experiencing the same thing, have you also been getting no views? I'm just curious. Also, if anyone can give me some tips, I'd very much appreciate it. 

Level 2
Ocho Rios, Jamaica

I joined Airbnb Dec. '16 and was immediately getting bookings. Then by the end of January '17 I was no longer receiving bookings or inquiries.


i am wondering what has changed.


Level 2
New York, NY

I use to be casually booked out for the month but now there's a dramatic drop in bookings. I brought the price down from $100 to $80 but still people arent booking.  90% of my reviews are positive, I just get 4 stars for location but what is the reason for the sudden drop in bookings???


Please help.