Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of ...
Hi! I have a potential guest with 2 negative reviews out of 36 stays, giving them an overall rating of 4.8. The last negative...
This one really stumps me.
We have had a few guests who have done some redecorating of our space....moved furniture, rearranged lamps and put them in different rooms, taken down curtains or paintings, etc. I just do not understand this. Its never the same thing so its not a hint that we need more light in a spot or the sofa is poorly situated for the TV.
Its just as though some people need to put their "stamp" on even the most temporary residence. Ultimately I wouldn't care if they put things back. I love to decorate but can honestly say I've never done this at an Airbnb or hotel.
Anyone have insight into this behavior? Its just got me curious!
This is quite common. Sometimes they move furniture to check for dirt underneath. Other times they need to fit another item, like a playpen. Other than that, I think some people just like to “play house”.
You could add a sentence or 2 in your house rules asking that furniture not be moved for safety reasons.
@Pat271"look for dirt"-- haha! There was a lady who gave our surfaces the white glove test, but she didn't leave any furniture in a different spot.
@Laura2592 White glove test? Seriously?? Who goes on vacation with that on their agenda????? That's someone who really needs to chill.
@Colleen253 I read a post from a host on another forum who said when she travels as a guest she comes with a blacklight and checks the whole place for things like urine spots on the floor around the toilet.
@Sarah977 I feel for the poor hosts she stays with. Those lights pick out EVERY speck of ANYTHING that was moist when it landed...water droplets, hairspray, toothbrush splatter, you name it. She’d be finding ‘urine’ on the walls, ceilings and doors!
@Sarah977 And why is it a problem if you clean and wash everything there?))). For myself as a host I do not see the problem, but for the guest who goes to rest, it is sad. He must have had a very bad experience all his life or he can't relax.
@Anna9170 I wasn't suggesting it was a problem for the host, if they do thorough cleaning. Altho I've never had occasion to use a blacklight so I don't know how much they show up- Colleen says they show everything that was moist when it landed, even water droplets, so I'm not sure how someone using one would know if what they saw was just water from cleaning, or something else.
I just think, like you say, it's a strange thing for someone to want to do when they came on vacation. You have to be a pretty obsessive person to want to do that.
@Sarah977 It was not addressed to you personally, but to everyone who cared about such requirements from the guest, I do not know why I marked only you in this post. 🙄😂
@Laura2592 I will confess that I am a hotel furniture re-arranger... usually it has to do with function or being careful about moving breakables away from danger spots. I wouldn't take down curtains although I do often wish something could be done about drapes that don't block light.
And I did once take down a hanging cow skull bc it was hanging precariously from a lone wobbly nail. I just didn't want it to fall and shatter on my watch.
I'd guess they move lamps for wanting different wattage? I'd ask the guests (after the review period) and see if they have anything interesting to explain.
It is a common practice and I make note not to do it in my house rules. I make an exception for the baby crib.
As a guest, I refrain from moving furniture but I do look under beds. I can’t help myself and yes, I’m looking for dirt.
@Anonymous it's usually not a problem with bnb's but in hotels…. whoa… I find bottle caps, cups etc… and yes I nicely let the management know. BTW, I stayed in a hotel recently and was surprised to find out that I had to give 24 hours notice if I wanted my room cleaned.
With Covid-19, I'm finding that's common with hotels- and not cleaning unless you are staying 5+ nights as a measure to protect their staff.
Is it to protect the staff or save money? @Lenore22 I told the manager at a Hyatt Hotel that the cleaning person was not going to be there while I was in the room. My guess is that they have laid of or taking a number of cleaning persons off salary. They are being called as needed or being paid per room. In a pandemic.. shouldn't there be more cleaning… not less.