
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Why is the guest profile picture no longer visible until booking confirmed?

Level 4
Waratah, Australia

Why is the guest profile picture no longer visible until booking confirmed?

Hello everyone, I am a single parent with a young child and I have been hosting for quite some time. 


I am selective as to who I host as I share the space. I am appalled that when a guest books I can no longer see their profile picture. 


I want a visual on who I am potentially hosting! 


They can see ours, so how is it fair we can not see them?


i understand this may be an attempt to prevent discrimination but we are the people opening our homes.

It’s a saftety issue that air bnb has over looked. I will now be asking for full names and further details, which will slow the approval process.


Anybody else feeling this way?


Top Answer
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom
47 Replies 47
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Level 1
St Albans, United Kingdom

Hi Ramona


I totally agree with this! It is not fair on the host.  Few times I was so uncomfortable with the gust who arrived I have ask the to leave.


Or had a booking from 60+ years old guy married who want a space for Chritmas Holidays but he didn't visiting any family here!

He try pray on young women?! That was my suspicion 😮😝

It is scary for single ladies special with a child!

Level 2
Temecula, CA

I agree Ramona 100%.  If we are hosting in our homes that we live in - this is a huge security issue for me.  So much so, I'm debating whether to continue hosting.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the nearly 3 years I have hosted but this could be a deal breaker.  I definitely like to have an idea of who I am welcoming into my home.


I agree with everyone who is disturbed about the absence of a profile picture. 

 It is 7:00 p.m. I had the doorbell ring I looked out and it was 2 men who were very shady looking I did not open the door because I was scared. I do not know why they were in our neighborhood. I do not understand why I have to do that as a host. This is our home where we also live we are concerned about our children and our family this is forcing us into a very dangerous position.


Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Level 3
Swakopmund, Namibia

That's it! WE'RE DONE.

After a year and a half of fairly successful hosting and quickly becoming and remaining a super host, my wife now refuses to continue with Airbnb.  


While our requirements are for enquiring guests to present a clear photo of themselves, believing that mandatory validation against their ID was being performed automatically, for her safety; this last bastion of risk management is now removed. Our booking requirements state that a minimum of three positive reviews must be visible on the enquiring guest profile, ID must have been submitted and the profile pic must be of the primary guest. No more reservation requests can be accepted by my wife as Airbnb have now removed the guest photo while they can see my wife's photo? How one-sided is that? Very unsafe indeed and totally unacceptable.

Level 6
Nedlands, Australia

I read on another thread that you can right click the hidden profile picture and open it in a new 'private' or 'incognito' window and the picture will be visible there.

Level 1
Swakopmund, Namibia

There is no way to see the picture on a mobile phone. This is very unsettling.


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Sonja207 @Chris1537 @Jeff158 

That is a very good point Sonja, I wonder how many hosts use the mobile app as a routine alternative to their computer. My guess it would be a high percentage. 

In any case using the incognito work around  is only useful if the guests has a public profile photo. In as much as 50% of my guests that Airbnb has chosen to visually block even an incognito search will result in a shot that looks like this....

Incognito profile.png


Every month  it seems Airbnb wind the screws in on the host just that bit further. 

The very fact that we host indicates that we are adaptable people and are prepared to decision make and are prepared to find ways to actually make decisions work.

The company needs to understand we only do this as long as it's worthwhile! We are not legally tied to Airbnb, we can pull the plug as easily as going to account settings and clicking ' Close my Account'!! Airbnb won't need to bother with all these silly initiatives, we won't be here to test them on!

The average host in America earns $5,000 US per year out of hosting.......not a lot of wiggle room there for putting your property at risk to strangers.

If Airbnb continues to put roadblocks in the way of successful hosts there will come a point where enough of us will take the hint and leave them to it!



Level 10
Westcliffe, CO

@Ramona79, there has been a tremendous discussion on this with probably 99% of hosts on this forum being adamantly against this move. I would imagine these sentiments are much the same with all hosts. I'm not sure this can stand if this outpouring of negativity from hosts persists. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If that's the case it's because 99% of hosts, despite it being pointed out to them, fail to understand that in the vast majority of cases it will make no difference.


You will continue to see the guests photo on booking. If you have IB turned on, you will not notice any difference. If guests need to request before they booking, you will only see the guest photo on booking.


If you are uncomfortable once you see the image, you can stilll contact Airbnb about cancelling the booking.


All hosts have to do @John1080 @Robin4 @Ramona79 @Sonja207 is check the box on their listing that says you want to see the guests photo on booking under GUEST REQUIREMENTS on your listing (see below)


Guest requirements
Adding more requirements may mean fewer reservations. Anyone who doesn’t meet your requirements can still send a request.
Airbnb standard requirements
Profile photo
If you turn on this requirement, you’ll be able to see guests’ profile photos after a booking is confirmed, but not before. 


I am not airbnb's biggest fan by any means but in this case I really don't understand why hosts are getting upset. If you want to see your guests photo on booking then just tick the box and you will see it on booking.

@Helen, I agree with you. I don't see any difference. Why do I care what the guest looks like before the booking is confirmed? I am only concerned with my conversation with them and that is what makes me feel comfortable or not. After the booking is confirmed it is nice to see what they look like for the purpose of them looking slightly familiar when they show up at my house. But I am not accepting or declining a reservation based on their face; I am doing so based on the communication with them. 

Each to their own, we all have different ways of assessing guest. I don’t make my decision based on just one or the other however the initial visual is extremely important to me. Again each to their own, but to me a picture can speak 1000 words. 

Hi Romona

i totally agree.