I second @Pat271
A lock that fits over a deadbolt but has a separate keypad seems to work best. I wrote the pros and cons of the one I'm using here (https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Advice-on-your-space/What-smart-locks-are-you-using-with-integra...)
I've updated to the 4th generation since then and not having a hub really works for me but I'm local.
Remember, when a lock has a separate Wifi connector that plugs into an outlet the batteries will go on for a long time.
When the lock has to keep searching a wifi connection and a bluetooth connection itself battery life will be short. So you might actually do better with the 2nd generation that has a separate hub and the whole thing keypad, hub and the part that goes over the lock is less than $150 still on sale on their website I think.
P.S. I think this lock company should pay me commission!