AirBnb new photography AI ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Level 2
Golden Lake, Canada

AirBnb new photography AI ๐Ÿ‘Ž

The artificial "intelligence" that now chooses the listings hero photo ( your first photo) is terrible. It seems to always want to put an exterior shot with preference to drone rather than anything else. I tested it, and the AI will choose a blurry exterior shot and replace my nicely photographed interior. It reminds me about the pricing algorithm that has always sets a rate way too low.  Thankfully I can turn airbnbs pricing strategy off, but no option to turn this off other than to delete all the exterior photos. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Desmond28  You can re-order your photos to any order you choose. Just because the AI makes a suggestion doesn't mean you have to accept it. 

@Gillian166 Yes you can reorder them, but the AI choses the hero photo it displays in search. You may not notice this until you search your own listings incognito or on another computer.