How long does it take to get approval for a short-term renta...
How long does it take to get approval for a short-term rental in New York City? It's been two and a half months and I still h...
Hello, I want to change the listing admin, without disturbing the properties or bookings already in the account. What is the procedure? Thank you.
It is now 5 years after this thread was started. Airbnb obviously doesn't care. I can not set up payments because I am not the Admin, only the primary host... What a dumb system!!!
Here we are September 2021 and still struggling with transferring listing admin?! Airbnb, come on! Please, we need some assistance here. Stand behind your product. I’m a property manager and made A MISTAKE listing myself as admin trying to respect a homeowners desire to be anonymous on their listing. Now I ‘own’ their listing. We don’t want this and I don’t want his payment information to have to go into my account. I also don’t want to cancel current guest reservations, wait for them to be refunded their money and ask them to rebook on our new listing. This lack of addressing a common problem is causing many more problems for Airbnb guests and homeowners and hosts!
Airbnb needs competition. I hope some company steps up!
I am a property owner and my adult children set up my rentals as air Bnb’s. Listed my daughter in law as admin/primary and me as the co host. I can’t even see financials unless we log in together or I log in as her. They tell us we have to start over and lose all the ratings and reviews!? Can’t even post it back with the same heading or photos? I’m told there is nothing they can do about it? Feels kinda fraudulent to have to log in as my daughter in law to see MY business!
I cannot believe this situation has been going on for years with so many owners, myself included unable to access their own property!! Why are Airbnb ignoring such a large number of hosts? Get the feeling they just don’t care! Well, they will soon lose a lot of business with excellent rival sites setting up. Get your act together Airbnb !!!
This is a SIMPLE FIX that AirBnB can EASILY enable with 5 minutes of backend tech work. If the "Listing Admin" wishes to transfer the property to a co-host (or the "Primary Host"), why can't this be permitted??!?!?!? Wasted hours trying to explain this to customer service both over the phone and in the Contact Us chat. AIRBNB YOU NEED TO DO BETTER AND HELP THE PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING YOU MONEY!!!!
Simple. Airbnb doesn't allow you to transfer listings between profiles or there would be no accountability . @Thomas2889
Clearly if you could do this it would be unfair to guests as they would in good faith book with one hosts based on their reviews only to end up with another host who may not have the same standards.
as you can add someone as a cohost to your account - why do you need to transfer the listing @Thomas?
I'm rather confused by your comments as you don't have a listing on Airbnb
@Helen3 actually, I do have a listing on AirBnB and what I’m saying makes total sense.
I’m the “Primary Host” of a property I own, but because my wife (of the time) created the listing, she is the by default the “Listing Admin”. Now we are no longer together and I have to go through the awkward situation of trying to get the money directly from her that I am due for MY property, because we cannot change the “Listing Admin”!
If I have been the “Primary Host” (or even “co-host”) all the while, and it is the same property, how is that unfair to guests, and how does that undermine accountability? All AirBnB has told me to do is to get my ex to delete the listing (and lose all future bookings and the positive reviews we have garnered, including Superhost status) and re-create the listing under my account!!
This is completely unacceptable and truly poor customer service.
1. You have no listing showing on your profile with your ex, so not sure why if you are 'the primary host' that would be the case (can you screenshot your profile showing the listing with your ex, as I have double checked again and your listing definitely is not showing).
2. Clearly I am not talking about your situation
3. It is unfortunate for you but the reality is you can't change the listing admin. It's a shame you had your ex wife set the listing up with herself as the listing admin if it is your property solely.
Your option is to set up another listing for the property blocking out the dates you have both chosen to continue to accept bookings for at the current listing (I can see you have done this already).
Once these bookings have expired your ex can choose to delete the listing. No reason also your ex can't chose for you to be paid 100% directly as the main host on your joint listing.
We're experiencing the same situation, it's amazing to see that such a basic feature is not being implemented - especially given that it's been 6 years since opening this thread...
holy heck
hello a few more years, any news or change?