I would like to talk about Airbnb Cal sync

Level 2
Zakopane, Poland

I would like to talk about Airbnb Cal sync

Many changes happens in our relation ship with Airbnb.

Airbnb use to be our main guests supplier, but is not any more. Who knows why?

On top we will be in trouble if we had many reservation from Airbnb mainly because Airbnb system is missing option which Booking.com has:  BOOK DATES ONLY  not any closed dates which Airbnb does.

On Booking you may choose status of your connection.

We would like to have from Airbnb Booked Days only. Unfortunately this choice does not exist on Airbnb.

That is why we have sync with Airbnb only one way: our calendar with Airbnb, any reservation on Airbnb we have to mark ourselves on our calendar. 


Decide what to export

Stay on top of reservations and limit overbookings by exporting both your Booking reservations and closed dates to other sites that your property is listed on.

1. Booked and closed dates
2. Booked dates only


Top Answer


This is the case with any synced calendar. Airbnb has a much more sophisticated calendar functionality that the others. We have the same issue with Vrbo. We like one day between bookings for cleaning purposes. Airbnb provides that functionality, but Vrbo doesn't. We have to add an extra day manually if someone books on Vrbo for cleaning. Airbnb does it automatically, so bookings and the cleaning day automatically get synced to Vrbo, but not the reverse. This means we can have a same day booking (which we don't want). 


Generally, a listing will do better on one platform over another. This is because if you initially had more bookings on one platform, you naturally will be less booked on the other. This is because your availability is reduced due to bookings on the other calendar blocking your calendar. This naturally means your listing will be less visible on the other calendar, and therefore will appear less frequently in guest searches.

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2 Replies 2


This is the case with any synced calendar. Airbnb has a much more sophisticated calendar functionality that the others. We have the same issue with Vrbo. We like one day between bookings for cleaning purposes. Airbnb provides that functionality, but Vrbo doesn't. We have to add an extra day manually if someone books on Vrbo for cleaning. Airbnb does it automatically, so bookings and the cleaning day automatically get synced to Vrbo, but not the reverse. This means we can have a same day booking (which we don't want). 


Generally, a listing will do better on one platform over another. This is because if you initially had more bookings on one platform, you naturally will be less booked on the other. This is because your availability is reduced due to bookings on the other calendar blocking your calendar. This naturally means your listing will be less visible on the other calendar, and therefore will appear less frequently in guest searches.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Greg79


Hope you are having a great start of the week. Did you have time to review the answers you got in your e-mail? 🙂

I'm going to tag some other members to the thread to see if they can give you some advice about this topic: @Bronwyn100@Marisa182 and @Dr-Jayanthi1 .


Thanks in advance for the help!
