Use Special Offer for security deposit?

Level 2
Idaho, United States

Use Special Offer for security deposit?

Hey gang,


I have a booking inquiry for a big family reunion party, which we're willing to accommodate, but we'd like to take a security deposit.


I can access this functionality through my Hospitable software (3rd party APIs still have access to the security deposit feature in AirBNB), but I'd have to apply that change to my listing, which everyone will see, and even if my potential guest makes the booking within a few hours who knows... another possible guest may find us in a search, see the $1500 deposit, and move on.


I'm wondering about using the Special Offer feature for this...? Charging them extra for the reservation and simply doing a partial refund for their booking after the reservation is over.



Top Answer
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Bob1363 


You are correct that you can collect a security deposit if your listing is API-connected however it needs to be through your channel manager and cannot be through a special offer or an alteration request.  One reason is it is against Airbnb's policies and also the deposit amount would be charged the Airbnb service fee.  I would recommend doing what you indicated by collecting it through your channel manager and then turning that off.  You could certainly coordinate this with the guest.  You may also want to review any resources regarding hosting guests knowing they are going to be having a party.  It looks like your listing does not have a lot of neighbors, if any, but you will certainly want to discuss this with them.  One phone call to Airbnb from a neighbor could have your listing suspended or removed as this did happen to me one time.  It was not a pleasant experience. 






Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

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1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Bob1363 


You are correct that you can collect a security deposit if your listing is API-connected however it needs to be through your channel manager and cannot be through a special offer or an alteration request.  One reason is it is against Airbnb's policies and also the deposit amount would be charged the Airbnb service fee.  I would recommend doing what you indicated by collecting it through your channel manager and then turning that off.  You could certainly coordinate this with the guest.  You may also want to review any resources regarding hosting guests knowing they are going to be having a party.  It looks like your listing does not have a lot of neighbors, if any, but you will certainly want to discuss this with them.  One phone call to Airbnb from a neighbor could have your listing suspended or removed as this did happen to me one time.  It was not a pleasant experience. 






Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host