Host Guarantee

Level 2
Rapid City, SD

Host Guarantee

Has anyone else had a terrible experience, and had AIRBNB refuse to rectify the situation? 


In my many years as a superhost, I have never filed a damage claim.  But in this case, the damage is around $1400 and AIRBNB is just refusing to cover damages, even though evidence of damage along with receipts has been provided.


VERY unhappy superhost here.



Top Answer
Level 10


@Kristin1107 @Susan1188 @Lorna170 @Pat271



I'm not sure if You have ever fully read the terms of the host guarantee. One of the stipulations is:



  • VI. Airbnb provides Hosts with the Airbnb Host Guarantee benefits described herein solely for the purpose of promoting use of the Airbnb Platform by building customer loyalty and strengthening customer confidence as to use of the Airbnb Platform.



Do You understand the term „solely“? The purpose of the host guarantee is not to pay for damages, the sole and only purpose is to „strenghten customer confidence as to use the Airbnb Platform“. The customers are we, the hosts.


Every time we get a booking request we should feel confident to accept it. That's all the host guarantee is for.



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51 Replies 51
Level 2
New Plymouth, New Zealand

@Nina75 that's great to hear that your experience with Air BnB claims has been so positive and that you haven't been left out of pocket.  My experience, has not been as peachy.

In your opinion what don't other hosts understand about how to use the process that is resulting in claims being short paid or dismissed completely?

@Mike2310 Speed & being organized. I posted this list the other day for a lady. I got the receipts and photos and estimates back fast. I didnt play around and get frustrated.

The first time my house was robbed, i had a guest coming the following day so I had to go out and buy everything new, so I had all of the receipts. It just so happened that the AirBnb photographer was at my place like 2 days earlier so nothing was in dispute as to what was stolen because the AirBnb photographer actually unknowingly took photos 2 or 3 days earlier.

Take Photos document what you have and what your place looks like and Keep receipts.

Level 2
New Plymouth, New Zealand

@Nina75 I'm happy for you that the Air BnB Host Guarantee/Insurance process has worked out in your favour.


You're reply of 3/5/21 doesn't allude to anything out of the ordinary in terms of following the Air BnB claims process, and I'd suggest that making a statement that "people don't understand how to use it" is a bit presumptuous on your part given the number of hosts that have shared their experiences where they've been left holding the can after following the process.


That aside, my comments are based solely on my experience.  I can assure you that in spite of following the process inclusive of all actions/items you touched on in your reply, as well as having damage requiring repair assessed by a professional, the claim process fell short.

In my communications with Air BnB support they've stated that the "Host Guarantee" is not a guarantee and that the "Host Insurance" is not actually an insurance, they follow they own internal process for evaluating claims and reserve the right to devalue any repair estimates without having to provide detail on how they do this or where they are getting their pricing information from.  When the Air BnB determined value falls short and they are asked to provide detail and explain their process, the approach they took with me was to place a 24 hour deadline on acceptance of the lesser value or face having the claim thrown out completely...not really a fair and reasonable way of dealing with your host in my humble opinion.

It's good that you've been fortunate in your experiences using the claims process and I really hope that continues for you.  My advice to other hosts, based solely on my experience, is if you are facing a major claim for damage to your dwelling or loss, approach your own insurers first and foremost as an insurer offers a more transparent, structured and reliable approach to claims.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia



Nina, I have been here for 6 years now, I don't know how many thousands of posts I have seen! I do know I have responded to 7,212 posts over that time and one of the most frequent posts are from hosts who have tried to claim either against their 'Security Deposit' or against the 'Host Protection Scheme' and in 98% of those cases we see here, their claim has been unsuccessful or manifestly downgraded to a pittance of what was claimed.....which is why they ended up here.


With 1,070,458 users belonging to the Community Centre, a good percentage of the hosting community do, or have been here at some time. So we are seeing a good cross section of the general Airbnb community. You will note that the community boards are principally aimed at the hosting community, not guests, so there would not be a large portion of guests represented in the CC. Of that 1 million +  CC members it is probable that 75-80% would be hosts. Now that represents about 1/4 of Airbnb's active host pool.


Nina it is possible to have a successful claim on Airbnb for damage created by an Airbnb guest, but the chances appear to be around one in ten of that happening.

If you had 2 successful claims with Airbnb the chances of that happening would be one in a hundred.

If you have had multiple successful claims with Airbnb you are absolutely the exception to the rule and are indeed living a charmed hosting life.


All of us long term hosts have read and re-read the TOS a hundred times and we know precisely what is said, and that doesn't have a strong relationship to what is actually done. Not all the reasons for that are Airbnb's fault, I can quote you dozens of examples that I know of where the host has tried to defraud Airbnb. But most hosts start out genuinely believing they say.....have your back covered.


Nina, they do not........end of story!



@Robin4 you've responded to 7,212 posts and you still don't know what you're talking about. Ive said it before and its really simple. Keep photos and receipts of your stuff and respond and file claims quickly. Ive never been denied a claim.

@Ute42 Thats crazy. I have never read that. I just posed the other day that I didn't think they would be there for me if I ever had a claim. This blatantly says they won't its all fake. 

We should feel confident to accept it... because there is some kind of insurance behind it?  Surely there is an indirect link to some kind of damage coverage?

Level 2
Buford, GA

@Kristin1107  I am going through the EXACT same thing right now. Over $1500 in damage from guests tampering with an ice maker water line (I told them to bring ice!). I tried to salvage the carpet but after a few days it had to go. The guests contacted me during their stay to tell me about it (blaming me), so it's documented when it happened, but Airbnb denied it and  just keeps robotically repeating the "14 days or whenever the next guest checks in" policy. It's BS!!! I was able to speak with someone in "Claims" but it's like they don't have access to the details of my case and just keep saying the SAME words, so frustrated!!!!

Right, it's very frustrating.  After all I tried, the 'escalated claim' was just allowed to expire and I didn't even receive the $83 (out of $1400+) that was promised.


AIRBNB would not exist without the hosts.  But there's no value in staging a coup, we will all just have to know better than to expect the level of partnership that is promised.


Adjusted and diminished expectations, and back to business!

You are right. No more big and nice expectations from Airbnb. They lack efficiency in responses and empathy, like if they did not need us. Amazing lesson and hard to swallow.

Level 2
New Plymouth, New Zealand

@Kristin1107  I've just gone through a claim process with Air BnB due to water damaged to laminate flooring sustained due to the guest leaving a ranch slider open on check out ahead of a rain storm.  Air BnB asked for an formal estimate for the cost of repairs, so I engaged a Building Surveyor / Cost Consultant who assesses repairs for insurance companies here in NZ.  Air BnB took the professionals report and repair estimate (which used insurance industry accepted data and rates) and proceeded to devalue the settlement amount from approx $6K down to $4.5K using their "internal tool".  When I asked the support person handling my claim to provide detail, data sources, and transparency on their data and rates so that I could understand where the variance between the industry professional and Air BnB values had occurred, I received smoke and mirror responses, "unable to disclose due to privacy" and the likes.  I was essentially stone walled and then pressured to accept the reduced claim value within 48 hours (then I asked for further clarification and detail and was given 24 hours to settle) or have my claim dismissed altogether.  So I guess I'll get some compensation, although it won't be sufficient to affect the required repair.  In hindsight, I should have gone to my insurer first and sought reimbursement of my excess from the guest/Air BnB.

I have little faith in the Air BnB Host Guarantee / Host Protection Insurance processes (especially given they have stated in communications with me that their HG & HPI are not insurances at I guess maybe they should at least take the "Guarantee" and "Insurance" out of each title respectively) based on my recent experience.

Lesson learned...I'll know where to place my trust and faith in any future occurrences (hopefully not required).

Thank you for sharing, although I wish everyone had not had these experiences, at least it makes me feel like I’m not alone, and not crazy for expecting more.

Level 2
Kent, WA


I guess I am not the only one with a complaint about Host Guarantee Insurance. This just happened to us:


A recent guest and four other stayed at our house for six nights. During this period, they broke all house rules. Left chaos behind: Dirty floors, permanently damaged furniture and cushions, trash all over the place, missing four towels. Neighbors complained. Left big pile of dirty and smelly dishes in the kitchen sink with food rotting in it. Dishwasher full of dirty and smelly dishes, too. Never washed the dishes. Illicit smoking (not regular cigarettes) in the house bedrooms.  Left suspicious ashes all over the house. Whole house smelled very bad (rotting food and smoke). Night before leaving had an unauthorized party. Last but not least, they furtively rush out of the house and left the property wide open for intruders, doors open, did not set the alarm and did not notify us as we had requested. Did not reply to our last three messages via Airbnb. After their departure, we took many pictures and a video , with an iPhone as evidence. These have dates and times, way before the next family’s arrival. We started an emergency cleaning and decontamination of the house after 2;00 PM on 4 May 2021, worked through the night, four person, and finished just in time for the next guest arrival on 5 May 2021, at 2:00 PM. Guest refused to pay for damages. Host insurance Guarantee denied by Airbnb on a technicality. Did not accept the I Phone evidence. With date and time on it. We had to submit a written Claim before the next guest arrival: 5 May 2021 at 2:00 PM. Airbnb rationale: To prevent confusion if another guest arrive before our submission of Claim. Did not accept the I Phone pictures with dates and time on it as evidence. Unbelievable, technical administrative impossibility! Our priority was to get the house ready, clean, and decontaminated, in less than 24 hours and we barely finished the job on time. Plenty of additional expenses, time, and effort. Airbnb was indirectly forcing us to cancel a family vacation (dream) planned many weeks in advance without advanced cancellation notice. A good host will never do anything like that!


Conclusion: Valid dated evidence should not created confusion. Absurd rules creating an impossibility should be discarded and allow modern technology to modify/change this impossible to meet requirement during situations similar to ours. Airbnb sided with the unruly guest. We lost and future host facing similar conditions will lose, too!

Hi Francisco;

I'm getting nervous reading that the deposit doesn't really exist, that airbnb sides with guests so frequently over hosts, and that the guarantees don't seem to be worth much.

It's making me question being here. Why do you all stay?