Missing payouts and no support

Missing payouts and no support

AirBnB have not paid us for the past 5-6 bookings and every time I contact their support they tell me it is with another department and ask me to wait. I wait and nothing happens. They haven’t provided any meaningful info since 1st June (5 weeks ago) when they said everything was OK. 

As it stands I have not received the income and have no way to escalate this or get through their support. 

I feel robbed and have absolutely no way to get a response from the company. 

Do I really need to contact all the previous (and current) guests to tell them AirBnB have not paid for their stay? 

17 Replies 17

Seems to be a huge problem affecting hosts in Ukraine. 

As if we didn’t have enough to deal with…



Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Ian35187   Sadly the verification process for hosts legitimately entitled to these payments is painfully slow.  Hopefully one of the Group Admin here can help speed things up a bit.  @Sybe @Catherine-Powell .

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Ian35187 there is no reason for that at all. You should receive an email to say that your pay out has been sent after every guest . Payment occurs before arrival of the guest and is released to you one day after arrival ,unless you are a new host and it is your first payment and then it takes longer. Check the reservation for payment details . Check your account for the right bank details . Something is wrong .Check Check Check  H

@Helen744. Thanks for the suggestion. I agree that something is wrong, but AirBnB won’t explain what, or how to resolve it. 

Nothing has changed on my account for ages. I’m aware how things work and I’ve been hosting guests for 4-5 years. 


AirBnB stopped paying out of the blue in May. Their support acknowledges that the payments haven’t been made and that’s as far as I get. Literally the only thing they (support) can do is add a note to the ticket and ‘escalate’ it, which leads to absolutely nothing. 

When nobody’s responds, I have to call AirBnB support and the whole thing gets repeated again and again and again. 

Every single support agent has apologised saying they can’t help because they have no way to contact any other department and work from home, so can’t transfer a call.


If you read the link I posted above, you’ll see that it’s happening to loads of people in Ukraine. My situation is not unique. 

@Ian35187 just a suggestion Ian . Try escalating one payout at a time using the number of the reservation . and then continue to escalate each payment separately .I am not sure if these payouts had real guests with them or were payments from other hosts. as the guests may not have 'checked in , or out , there may also not have been a trigger for a pay out . if there were no actual guests make sure to explain this, but other monetary mechanisms may not be running correctly , such as bank accounts. it does not sound very good but keep trying and hopefully someone will be able to sort it. H

Others on this thread have been told that their listed bank accounts if affiliated thru Russian or Belarussian banks may no longer be able to process payments ?H

Level 10
California, United States

@Ian35187 @Helen744 @Kate867 


This almost feels like trolling. 


Saying you've "waited 5 weeks" with "no income" or "no way to get support" is absurd.  


Pick up the phone, sit on hold like the rest of us, go from agent to agent, escalate, escalate, escalate, escalate.  Don't get off the phone until you get answers.  

Whining on here does (almost) nothing.  

Airbnb is a massive publicly traded company.  They can't just blatantly steal money from hosts.  I think the problem is likely on your end.  

Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Richard531 … Unfortunately, there are many in the Ukraine awaiting payment while Airbnb take their own ‘sweet time’ to verify that they are ‘not Russian’ not ‘new accounts-once hosts started to donate’ etc. and that for those legitimately entitled to the money, some are in dire circumstances who people are genuinely trying to help.  @Ian35187  Has clearly held a good account and been a host for a long time.  He is not ‘trolling’, he wants what he should have been paid and what he is entitled to.  He does not need further abuse under the circumstances.  For one, I am extremely grateful that I am not in a ‘war torn’ country and wondering how I can get through the next month!  A little bit of sympathy and understanding would not go amiss here.



I won’t dignify @Richard531 with a response, but if he actually read my message and the link I posted, it would be clear there’s a serious problem and it’s not a lack of trying on the behalf of hosts. There’s also literally no way to escalate an issue beyond AirBnB Support, if they don’t respond.  

But of course, if he had a clue, he’d know that. 


Level 10
California, United States

I'm sorry this is happening.  It sounds really terrible.  It's clearly a major bummer.  


I would be on the phone calling/inquiring/getting an ETA on my money.  


I'm encouraging you to work harder, work smarter, keep at it.  If you want a shoulder to cry on, I suppose we're right here with you.  This definitely sucks.  I'm sorry that this sucks so bad.  


I'm a little jaded.  When people say "I got no response" it's just not true.  You got a response, it may have not been the one you wanted, or it was confusing, or it left more to be desired.  But saying " nothing happens" is a little inaccurate.


Again, I'm sorry this is happening.  I'm not a very sensitive person.  I encourage you to dust yourself off and do your best with the situation at hand.  

I'm sorry that this really sucks right now.  


PS. You posted a link of someone else discussing similar problems on an open forum.  That link is not a sanctioned fact/press release from Airbnb nor have any mods come on here to validate your concern (although, they might).  Although misery loves company, it doesn't get you any closer to your payout.  Airbnb did what they're doing for a reason and it sucks to have to sit and wait.  But if I were in your position, I would keep working until you had an answer/ETA.  It takes work and working is awful.  But you can stick with it and get it done.  

Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Richard531  Unfortunately, due to the circumstances in the Ukraine, and most likely lack of clarity/training for the Airbnb customer support, there are some hosts that are getting penalised for no good reason.  @Helen744 amongst others are trying to help by tagging in members of the admin to try and get some of it sorted… and it does seem to be working!  It is a dreadful situation for all and I hope it is resolved for @Ian35187 sooner rather than later.

Level 2
Seattle, WA

deleted post

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Ian35187


I've shared this with the team who is currently working through your case, they will follow-up with you. A majority of the issues raised in that thread you shared have now been confirmed as resolved, so I hope yours can be soon as well!







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Another 7 days have passed. No update received, no help from AirBnB support and no payouts. 

We're now contacting past and future guests.