Hi, I have a ‘missing payout’ issue for the last two months....
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Hi, I have a ‘missing payout’ issue for the last two months. I am on a never-ending loop as follows:I add my payment methodIt...
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I am shocked to find that now Airbnb is holding host payouts for 30 days!! This is a new term that make no sense to me. How can Airbnb think that host can operate for 30 days wihout payout specially after initial investment in furniture, cleaning supplies, amenities, decoration, toiletries, etc... This is very bad business practice in my opinion, and makes no sense to me....
I have refered many hosts in the past becuase I had great experience and because I would get paid 24 hours after booking completed, but now this experience is shattered with this non sense..
Anybody outhere think this is fair?
I am not shocked, @Alejandro200. If booking.com collects money for you, it pays out the next month after all the month's check-outs, around 10th, which means that for instance if there is a booking from 15 August to 1 September, the host gets paid around 10 October.
And here it is only with new hosts.
Your point being ? The fact booking does it has nothing to do with airbnb. What is the basis for that other than being able to use the money in the meantime? This is not 30 days it’s 30 days plus any days prior the reservation that the platform holds and uses this money as they please. Globally this will amount to millions that generate interest or being invested in this period whilst hosts lose
I am going to assume it is to cut down on fraud, I can see why.
Fraud?? what kind of fraud? the only fraud is Airbnb keeping and using OUR money to finance their business. There are all kinds of policies in place that prove authenticity of a host. What kind of fraud? And if they have fraudulent hosts, they are not doing thier job up front to vet a host. They should not punish the entire barrel of good apples all for one rotten one.
How does holding other peoples money in Airbnbs bank accounts cut down on fraud? What can possibly happen in 30 days?Apart from Airbnb have 30 days gaining interest from other peoples money.
Im personally disgusted with this. To varify a bank account takes minutes and the money is never sent before the guests have stayed in the property. So if the guests have been and and stayed in the apartment already, then the host has provided their service as agreed, and the aprtment is of course real, so what possible fraud can there be????
It's a simple safeguard to stop instant money laundering from stolen bark cards into newly set up criminal hosts 'listing' specifically for this purpose.
What can possibly happen in 30 days you ask? Quite a lot chum.
I am no criminal but I am pretty sure if someone has stolen bank cards, time is of the essense to use them fast and to buy products, cash or services which are untracable back to them before the cards are reported stolen.
But maybe your right "chum", that a criminal mastermind with stolen cards, takes time to set up bank accounts, Airbnb host and guests accounts, and then waits for the money to be sent to the bank account which then leaves a direct paper trail from stolen card to bank account owner.
But I am only thinking there is a million other untracable things that can be done with stolen bank cards, that require less set up and offer no risk of bieng caught.
But if this is the official Airbnb line then what can I say, only I asked them WHY? and got no answer what so ever, I also asked for an email outlining the reason for this new policy and more importantly when I can have my money as my guests already stayed in my place more than 2 weeks ago, so my service has been provide. But I still have had no such email.
Just to make it clear I have been using Airbnb since inception and its is by far the best site and always offered the best customer service, but this 30 days business is wrong, without explination and in the small print only, so was unexpected.
F.Y.I. I also opened a new acoount for another owner and added his PayPal account as method at the same time as my new account which is blocked for 30 days, and the monies went to PayPal immiendietly, so why was this new policy not implemented there?
Sorry your explinatinion does not cut it for me.
This doesn't need a mastermind, it provides something criminals like -easy hard cash.
Heh, you think there is a paper trail ) Try googling it. You'll see.
30 days intially isn't long to wait really and gives airbnb time to see and react to untoward activity.
I think it ridiculous. I'm a new host too. I decided not to put new tenants in my flat after they left as I am trying to sell it and instead replace my rental income with airbnb income in the short term. I'm having an overall terrible experience so far. It's already difficult for a new host to get their first booking as they have no reviews yet; add to that the articial 30 days delay in getting the money, plus how long it takes for the funds to clear in your bank account and you have cash flow management nightmare.
This is something new?!
I start hosting last month but all payments are normally made 24 hours afther guest arrive.
Aparently it applies to host since August Month end till now, thats not fair they should allow you to be reviewed before the 30 days
I am new to hosting too
i hAve 4 bookings coming up and I understood you got paid 24 hrs after guest had checked in
- am I wrong !
Yes, I'm a new host and I'm still waiting after a week
I have been a host with Airbnb for 3+ years now and I'm a super-host. I guess I'm grandfathered in on getting my payments 24 hours after the guests check in. Even those terms I find to be unfair. All it is doing is allowing Airbnb to use OUR money for all these days. Remember that Airbnb collects the funds from the guest long before we ever get paid. It seems only fair that the host should be paid the day the guests check in----not 24 hours later, and certainly not 30 days later. All this is doing is allowing airbnb to utilize billions of dollars, interest free, for their own business financing. It's not right! Hosts should demand that we be paid on day of check-in, espcially if you are a super-host, which has standards to meet that. If we are super-hosts, we do not have issues and complaints from guests about trouble checking in, or the hosue not being clean, or other reasons they may not stay. This, to me, is a problem and abuse of the very people who butter their bread.