I need a cleaning co for my small 1 br air b n b 7275897717 ...
I need a cleaning co for my small 1 br air b n b 7275897717 text me Scott
I was suppose to have a scheduled payout on April 6, 2023. It’s been stuck on “upcoming payouts” since then. I’ve spoken with over half a dozen customer support and no one has been able to help. All my previous payouts were released with no issues. Customer support keeps stating the payout was released on April 7th, 2023. It has not been released, as it’s still stuck in “upcoming payouts”. I need help please!
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Update: I’ve officially received the payout in my bank account. I hope you and Marilyn receive your payouts in your bank account soon.
Hi! I too live in San Diego. I wanted to check and see if your issue was just a one time thing? Today is April 24 and may payment from April 22 is stuck in upcoming payments. AirBnB is worthless to resolve. So many different answers: coming in 30 minutes, it's your banks fault, we don't release money on weekends, we have a glitch.... super frustrating. Hasn't happened before in 5 years, and we have the extra for instant transfer. Thanks for your time. Christine
I live in Uruguay and receive my payments vía Western Union. Airbnb is retaining my money since last Tuesday and they said they're having a technical problem with WU 😉
I've spoken with Airbnb ambassadors, with the help center (at least 6 people now) and everyone asked me to be "patient" while the guest is using my flat and I haven't received my money.
I'm really upset and don't know what to do 😞
Hello @Laura-María2,
I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Although we are not part of the Customer Support Team, I have gone ahead and forwarded your case to the appropriate team that can help. They should be reaching out to you soon.
Thanks very much. Last one from Airbnb I spoke with was ** and she said she had found the problem and I'll receive my money today. No money, no mail...so still waiting without money while Airbnb is using it 😞
**[Name hidden due to privacy concerns - Community Center Guidelines]
Hi @Paula . No one reached me yet.
Still waiting for my money and from answers.
I need my money as everyone for paying my bills. It seems as if Airbnb needs my money more than me. I don't know what else can I do. Nobody really cares about Superhosts 😞
Hey @Laura-María2, thank you for keeping us updated. I have reached out to the team once again, hoping that they will get back to you soon.
Hi Paula. I haven't received my payment yet. They tell me everything is OK but don't have a date for my payment. Can't believe this is happening. The guests used my place for free and I won't receive any payment. Please help me!
Im having the same issues right now. Can you help me on this? Im really frustrated and this is really a total let down for me as a superhost.
I would ask Support for a Payout I.D. number. I was able to trace my missing wire with this I.D. number. My payout was by International wire transfer so not too sure if this Payout I.D. is applicable to all payout methods, but it is worth asking the question. I would think there must be some identification reference on all payout methods for traceability purposes.
Thanks for the tip. My payout issue was resolved a couple of weeks ago.
Hi All,
I am dealing with this issue too! I have not received 3 payouts and AirBNB has not sent a refund I issued to one of my guest for an inconvenience they experienced.
For those with that experience, how long did it take AirBNb to fix the glitch and release payments to host and credits (if applicable) to guests?
Glad to hear that you received your payout Howard
Joining the conversation here, and Exactly same issue that we are facing in Malaysia but mine is way worse
our payout stuck since Nov 2023 and till now June 2024 approximately stuck about USD$ 50k
we are in full debt hoping airbnb will pay us but we've reach numerous parties which they keep giving different answer and different solution
We've found out the root cause is actually their payment remitter written our name wrongly (writing in short form) for example. Management, they write it as "mgt"
that's why our bank reject the transaction
however, we tried our best to explain to airbnb more than 20 superhost support but non of them understand
we even email the proof and bank manager's statement related to this but yet airbnb still doesn't have a way to communicate with their remitter. we are running out of way and time and this causing huge frustration keeping us in debt and struggling with financial issue....
i really hope someone here could have a way to reach out to the right party and help me
@Bhumika anyway that you can connect me with the right person or the higher management? i am truly struggling. i hate to put this word but i really hope Airbnb is not trying to scam or roll our money with something that not permitted. as this amount is not small, i really hope it you could help