What hosts are saying

    Добрый день. Подскажите, были ли случаи, когда в случае отмены авторизации (хозяин не подтвердил бронирование в течении 24 часов) деньги просто не возвращаются на счёт? Тех.поддержка прислала просто письмо-пустышку, подтверждающее авторизацию и предлагает... Latest reply by Екатерина72
    Hello everyone in Australia who have guests staying either in AIrbnb rental properties or in their shared dwelling.So……… the joy of it all… Census Night!We have two guests on-site who will need to be included in this lengthy process. Currently they are o... Latest reply by Cathie19
    • F071B768-6CA0-4EAC-A5DC-836D629CA349.jpeg
    No need to show the customer this kind of detail. It's more annoying than helpful. How does seeing the separate cleaning fee, help the customer. Just show me the full price.I don't need the details of how you're reached your total price. LOL. If i had the... Latest reply by Venkat30