Adding another guest room

Adding another guest room

What does your Data show for AirBNB ‘s that offer two guest rooms with a common bath area? 

Meaning, is there demand in my area for Airbnb’s that offer 2 guest rooms w/bath??



2 Replies 2
Level 9
Calgary, Canada

@Robert1681 ,

I think that you will most likely have to do your own research on this one. Not certain that anyone here on the host forum has access to the data you are looking for. Likewise, I doubt that this data will be released to you from the algo's.

You could do an incognito search for your area to determine how many places are listed in your area and what the price point is. Alternatively,  just throw on your listing and see what happens. You will soon know by the number of bookings if there is a market demand.


Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Robert1681  I decided to add a secondary room to my listing and charge for the option to use it or charge for extra guests over 2.  Therefore the private bath would only be used by someone in the same party.  I decided not to have a second listing and therefore have to list the private room with a shared bath.  I did that based soley on my preference not to share bathrooms with either hosts or other guests.


I compared the income generation of adding a secondary room with having a single room.  The number of bookings went down but the income generated went up significantly.  I think that is because having a secondary room option allows for a more diverse type of group.  Look at my listing and see if that would work for you. 😄