I have been struggling a lot with the customer service. I see all these nice video about how airbnb care about its host but my personal experience is so far from thta.
Here are the list of issues i have encountered with the support.
One of my listing used to be a Familiy one. we build the listing around families and were very proud to host them.
Suddently the tag disapear and it has been 8 months now since we are being told it is a bug and no feedback
Any case i open on this subject get automaticaly closed and i get no follow-up
Airbnb plus: I was invited to apply to the plus program and did as i was meeting all the criteria.
THis was about a year ago (March 2018). It stalled for a while and i was told it is because there are too many demand.
then sundently i saw plus listing pop in my city and no one ever got back to me on my application.
despite calling multiple time no luck just had to wait.
samething here any case i open get closed automatically.
The worst for me is the lack of consideration from the support who closes a customer ticker against his will. I never seen this anywhere else.
so here i am hopping a senior manager will see this and investigate because i clearly lost any trust in the support services.