I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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I know I’m relatively new to hosting but I’m going insane with the amount of times I have to tell people my address and how to find me!!! Why doesn’t anyone find ‘check in’?? I say follow ‘check in’ instructions but they arrive saying ‘you never gave me your address!! Who leaves home without an address to go to?? Can I send them a link to check in, why can’t airbnb send them a link??!!!! Aggghhhh!!! I’m having a bad day!
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Hi Amanda, I am new too! I just got onto airbnb April 1st so have many questions. I was wondering all of the questions you asked and so I finally after much communication with guests found out that they do get the address when they are confirmed in...she just had an issue with not having a cell phone in our country and so there were time gaps for her as she hadn't written it all down...now we know eh!
If you have filled in the check in information, Airbnb send this to guests about 72 hours in advance.
If I am questioned, I simply refer them to the check-in information, as @Helen3 refers to. It's a bit of a red flag because it illulstrates the guests have missed the most important of all information. Gawd only knows what else they've 'missed'.
@Amanda842 @Gordon0 @Helen3 @Teresa741
Airbnb claims to send your check-in guide three days before check-in but I have seen zero evidence that it actually does. I now automatically send it to every guest a few days before their arrival. It includes a google maps link to the exact place to park.
You can only create/edit your check-in guide on the mobile app, infuriatingly, but once you have it you can copy the link and use it in any correspondence you like. You create/edit on the app under the listing's Guest Resources section. After that when you go to send a message to a guest, you will see a little key icon below the screen. Selecting that will pop in your link, which you can then copy and use elsewhere.
Fun, eh? It's like Airbnb's own little treasure hunt.
I guess the evidence I'd cite, @Lisa723, is that for my last half-a-dozen stays where I've been a guest, I've been sent all the details needed to check in and in good time.
@Gordon0 me too, but knowing the platform I know how to look for them. Airbnb has never sent me a host's check-in guide, three days before check-in or not, and until I started automatically sending mine, my guests didn't get it.
It isn’t always easy but your learning curve sure helps me!
Hurrah! I’ve actually found it and sent it to another annoying msg asking how to find us and how to get in!! Thank you so so much!!!
Have you noticed that the "Key" iconm is gone from the App? I called support and they said it has been removed. Are you finding the same thing? We always send it the morning of our guests arrival as a backup. Help?
Such great help Lisa!!
I don't have the mobile app so I don't have access to the check in instructions. I have written everything the guest will need to know and stored it in a saved message. Three to five days before check in, I send it to the guest. 95% of the time I get no response but they also have no problem checking in. If I have a dozen listings it would be time consuming but it is definitely manageable with three.
Hi Amanda, check out an app called GuestHug which has powerful check in and out functions that help both you and your guests! www.guesthug.com