For a while now Air BnB have been advertising at various points on their site that if you're having trouble you can get an experienced co-host to help. Anything from minor involvement to actually hosting the persons space for them and managing it for them. I can't find anywhere where an experienced host who would like to offer their services can sign up for this. It all seems to be aimed from the other side of the fence so to speak.
I'm a professional property manager and manage an Air BnB flat for one of my clients who preferred to go the holiday let route rather than a normal tenancy. He doesn't live in the area and has no direct involvement with the flat, leaving us to fully manage it. If there were other hosts with property in my area who were interested in farming out some/all of the managerial duties of running an Air BnB then I would be interested. However as I say there is nowhere to "sign up" it would appear.
Any suggestions?
Simon Davey
Hove, East Sussex