Elusive Trust & Security Department - Airbnb is failing this Host :(

Level 2
Nashville, TN

Elusive Trust & Security Department - Airbnb is failing this Host :(

Hi All, 


I recently had a nightmare experience, where my guests flooded my upstairs bathroom - I awoke to water literally raining and pouring into my living room directly below the bathroom, causing massive damage. To make a long story short, I called airbnb right away - I was told to file a Resolution claim. This event happened August 4th, it's been well over a month... I have submitted all the documentation and invoices for repairs (costing $6k in damages) I have called Airbnb several times, and I keep getting the same script,  "I should rest assured that Trust & Security Department is reviewing my claim " - but I haven't heard a peep from said department. I'm feeling unsettled and jerked around. I just want to talk to a human being in that department.


How long does this process take? 

Will I be compensated for the damages?


I haven't even been given the $400 security deposit I had set. For a platform that is based on trust and honesty I'm just feeling like Airbnb has not been forthcoming about this process. AND Hosts are just as important as the guests, here?! I'm currently not happy about not being taken care of. 

This has cost me so much time and energy and my life has been a construction zone for the past month. 

I feel totally in the dark here, has anyone had to file a large claim? Did you get refunded for the damages? How long did you wait for the payout? 

What's up with this Trust & Security Department? 


Thanks and best! 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

Ugh. This is good for other hosts to know. Have you tried tweeting @airbnbhelp?

Thank you Lisa, tweeting is a good idea! 

Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Lindsay57  Call again and demand your case be escalated. The case I did took 4 weeks to resolve just an FYI, but I called every other day to have it escalated. 

Thanks Letti, I have called once a week but I will start calling more frequently!