I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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Hi does anyone know if I can email a guest direct with photos to assist with finding the property and locating the key lock box? When I use the airbnb email address given / allocated to the guest it bounces back saying it failed to deliver. Is there a way of adding photos (eg of your street sign) to the directions section of the listing? If easier to message the guest rather than emailing them is there a way to add photos to messages? Thanks
When you contract guests via the app, you can add a photo that way, @Sarah2230. I do it like this and don't have any bouncebacks.
Ahhh I haven’t tried doing it that way I’ll give it a go. Thanks!
@Sarah2230 I email a map and photos to my guests all the time using the coded email address and it doesn't bounce back, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you. Are you sure you are entering the entire coded email address correctly?
What I have found is that the email attachments aren't always visible to guests, especially if they are accessing their email via their phone rather than desktop. I always ask the guests to confirm whether they received it or not, so I know. In that case, I ask them if they would mind sharing their personal email address and give them mine at the same time. None of my guests have minded this at all and readily send it to me. They always get the attchments if sent to their own email address.
Thank you, will give it another go!
Why doesn't the messages within Airbnb allow us to attach photos and check in details? but instead I have to go to personal email to email them directly ?'