Filing a complaint against the host and discussing with Airbnb

Level 2
Iona, Canada

Filing a complaint against the host and discussing with Airbnb

Filing a complaint against the host and discussing with Airbnb.  I find it extremely difficult to navigate the Airbnb website to find the exact location where I can post a complaint or discuss a complaint with Airbnb staff about the host and the accommodations. As a matter of fact not only do I find it extremely difficult I have not been able to find the location where to contact Airbnb on such matters. I read other posts that express the same feeling and as a business owner myself I would not want this type of frustration to occur within my client base. That being said I guess many of us have noticed that as a company grows and gets more money and the owners get very rich the less they seem to care about their clients or at least provide well meaning systems and customer service. In this day and age and is not appropriate to say we provide good customer service everybody says that. So to say We provide good customer service places the company at the bottom of the latter Along with hundreds of thousands of other similar companies who make similar statements. Perhaps when you have hundreds of thousands of clients losing 10,000 doesn’t matter because it is such a small portion of your client base. On the other hand perhaps the owners don’t think that way but because there is so much attenuation between the clients and the owners,  the owners do not know these things are happening. Perhaps only the peons appointed as managers or lawyers know this is happening but they are there to protect their owners interests,  and keep their trust. They collect their big salaries therefore they do want to do anything to rock the boat.,  it’s a game of anus protectus. That being said after I finish this post I will still search for the appropriate place to register a complaint about my host. Please wish me luck.  I am not afraid to publish my name and contact information, my name is Peter Metaxas and you can contact me at  

This entire message has been written by voice to text on an iPhone eights which is not the most brilliant voice to text platform. Therefore please excuse any grammatical errors or choice of incorrect words.  I will review and try to take out the obvious gross errors.

regards  Peter 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Peter1757 this is a public forum and it is probably best to delete your personal info, if anyone want to say something to you they will say it here or they will message you on the forum privately. We don't need your personal email. Here are the ways of contacting Airbnb

Also, here is how to report a host