Due to recovery from a sevier motor accident involving 5 days in intensive care and 7 weeks in hospital prior to my booking and needed assistance from AirBnB direct due to an issue with the property I had booked into. The accommodation was like a building site and during our stay we had to put up with strong solvent smells and live in a building site as they were having major work done to the roof of the house. I asked AirBnB 3 months ago to help assist with the issue but no responce from my request for their support. Its so disapointing as iv had good times with other bookings, it seams when you have an issue AirBnB fall down on customer service BIG time. I would attache some of the photos showing how bad the accommodation was but not able, Im due a refund for someone as the host will not communicate with me on the matter, Iain