Getting help from Air !!!!

Level 1
Washington, DC

Getting help from Air !!!!

Dear Community:  Does anyone know how I can contact an actual person at Air (regarding not being paid for my last 3 guests)? All I get is automated messages saying they are "working on it".   While my guests have paid (in advance), Air has not paid me. I cant talk to Air about this unless I ask my guest to remit money that they already paid!   What is happening at Air?  Do they have telephone numbers?  


Thank you in advance,   Jack

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Thomaston, GA

Hi Jack - try toll free 855 424 7262   Best regards, Roger

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Seems like there are payment processing issues at the moment.


Quickest way and most responsive is AirBnB Help on Twitter. If you don;t use Twitter then a really good idea to set up an account as the response is pretty much immediate as it is monitored 24/7

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Jack33,


Welcome to the Community Center. 


I am sorry to hear your situation posted here. I just wondered how long ago did your booking take place?




Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Hi Lizzie:  The first booking was 3 weeks ago; the second 10 days ago.  All I get are generic, robitic auto-replies that refer me to a circle of FAQs.   It appears that we hosts and guests are being shunted onto Community Chat Room pages to do the work that Air staff should be rightfully providing.  I decided to stop accepting new bookings until someone live at Air addresses my issues. Sorry, but I am very disenchanted with what Air is becoming.....