Guest Drug Use

Level 3
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Guest Drug Use

Hi, I was wondering if anyne could offer advice on this situation as I dont seem to be able to find a button to report the guest within my airbnb account.


I had a guest book in yesterday and though both listing state no smoking, she said she had noticed that but could she still smoke, I wanted to say no as per my listing but felt a bit put on the spot and offered the garden.


This evening my guest had a gentleman arrive and after about 30 mins they went outside and sat smoking in the car on my drive, which was fine until I noticed smoke belowing from the car windows so I suspected cannibis.


I went out to the car and stated that they couldnt do this on my property (when I opened the front door I could smell cannibis) and then the man said, theres a better way to ask, which surprised me as I felt I was being quite good about the whole matter, after a brief disagreement with both of them,  I asked my guest to collect her things as I couldnt have drugs on the premises, her reasoning was that I knew she smoked when she arrived.


She didnt seem to be leaving and nor did he so I said I'll have to call the police, when I started to dial, she started to pack up and they left demanding a refund. 


I cant find anything from airbnb on drug use




24 Replies 24
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Joanne106 you did the absolutely right thing!  I assume that smoking pot is illegal in the UK, yes?  But it is legal in many places such as Amsterdam and many states in the US and maybe there isn't a particular article in the help center because of this. 

I am sure that if there was illegal drug use on your property Airbnb would back you 100%.   Refund, are they kidding?  Demand all they want, I wouldn't give the one.  And yes, they could file a Resolution Center Request, but they would have to involve Airbnb to settle the matter and I don't think Airbnb would grant them a refund for this. As one famous First Lady of the US said, "Just say NO!"


But, marijuana use is in transition.  I have a no smoking house rule as well, but I'm in California where marijuana is now legal so I couldn't call the police if they were smoking outside of the house.   Matter of fact, I now have a commercial marijuana grower as a neighbor (my guests don't know this, however)!


People ask for all sorts of things, but that doesn't mean you have to give it to them.  I would have done exactly what you did without even a thought about what Airbnb might think.  It's my home, my rules. 

I hope this helps a little.  🙂

Level 3
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Thank you, yes I do feel a bit better and yes it is still illegal in the U.K


I just don't know what you'd be thinking to come to someone's private premises and behave like this. I'm going to update my listings  re drug use

thanks again 


@Joanne106 that's the problem...people don't think.  Yes, update your house rules to say no smoking on the property at all and say that this includes marijuana or any other drug.  I'd also state that anyone not observing this rule will be asked to leave with no refund so it is very clear. 

Have a great week!

Level 10

To be honest, I would never have threatened to call the police for this. If they are smoking outside, I don't see the harm. Of course, if it upsets you, and it is your property you can do as you like. But a person is a smoker, and they can't smoke even outside, it is harsh for them. I would have placed more emphasis on telling the guest up front what you were and were not comfortable with. For me, knocking on the car and asking them to park elsewhere while they indulged would have been sufficient. Threatening to call the police is aggressive, too much so for the situation. So they smoked a little pot in their private car. To me, it's not that big of a deal. Hard drugs, completely different.

I agree. Smoking pot in their own vehicle on your property isn't that big of a deal. It's similar to drinking alcohol really but booze happens to be legal for some odd reason. 

I wouldn't be surprised that the guests don't return and vandalize your property after kicking them out and not giving a refund. 


Level 3
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Alcohol isn't illegal, so there's a huge difference, my listing does say no smoking because I don't want any smoking on my property, there are plenty of other rooms available if people really want to smoke. 

Then you should state "no smoking anywhere on the property" very conspicuously on your site, so that no potential guests could possibly miss it. I think it may cost you business, as it does not sound like a friendly beginning to a guest/host relationship, but it is your property to do with as you please.

Level 3
Birmingham, United Kingdom

I won't approve of anything illegal going on at my property and that isn't likely to change, as I said there are plenty of hosts who allow smoking so that's where smokers need to be and as you said my house, my rules. 

I haven't got to my 50s without knowing a thing or 2 about hospitality and I don't need to allow the law to be broken to be a good host

Level 2
Great Harwood, United Kingdom

Hi Joanne I have just had to ask my house guest to leave as he brought cannabis into my family home. Like you my listing clearly states no drugs. He has left my property but is asking for a refund on the remaining five nights or he will leave me a bad review!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

 Hi @Victoria769 


You have posted in the middle of someone else's thread so not many people are likely to see your question.


It is against Airbnb terms of threaten to leave a bad review if a refund is not given. That's extortion (see Airbnb Help Centre).

Give Airbnb a call and tell them what has happened.

They will refund in line with your cancellation policy, but may offer the guest more, if you asked them to leave.

See what they say.

Level 3
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Hi Victoria, really sorry to hear that, I would risk the bad review, we’re always being held to ransom over reviews. I would remind him that I would be leaving an honest review as well.


my lot didn’t leave me any review but it wouldn’t have stopped me, I don’t know why someone would think it’s acceptable to carry on with an illegal activity in my home

Let him post a bad review, you can leave him an equally bad review mentioning his breaking of rules and threat to leave you bad review. You can also make a comment on his review so other guests comprehend the situation. He will not be able to alter or comment the review you leave for him

You do realize you're suggesting that marijuana users are reasonable people and likewise suggesting that they will vandalize this host's property? As a "serves you right" mentality... This is a clear distinction of how Airbnb is not a hotel.

Level 3
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Hi, my property wasn’t vandalised thankfully, I felt that was bizarre feedback, I didn’t get anything helpful from Airbnb but I stuck with my ban on smoking even outside my property and added that I would contact the police if anything illegal is used and it hasn’t affected my business, i don’t host full time but I have bookings until the end of the year and I raised my prices. My feedback actually states how friendly and helpful I am so it goes to show, if it doesn’t sit well with you, don’t agree to it. Also if it had been a hotel and drugs were being smoked, the Police would have been called.