Guest Payment

Level 1
Colorado Springs, CO

Guest Payment

A future guest has just asked me when her final payment is due. I thought the entire fee was charged at booking. Am I correct?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

hello @Laurie228 ,

Some bookings offer guests option to pay in two installments. But the guest should discuss details  with Airbnb, not with the host.

Best regards, Emiel

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Laurie228 @Emiel1 yes this is a new feature of the site and it's totally invisible to hosts, except for the sad fact that you can't use the resolution center (@Lizzie PET FEE!) until the final payment is made, and you have no idea when that happens.

So does the guest get dates of payments when they book? How can they find out when their final or additional payments are? 

@Laurie228 I don't know! As I said this whole thing is invisible to hosts. I think you have to just refer them back to Airbnb, explaining that you have no visibility into their payment and only receive yours after they check in.

Thank you Lisa!! Do you happen to know the best way for them to connect with someone?