How to agree on price when I can't see guest's total price?

Level 2
Wrocław, Poland

How to agree on price when I can't see guest's total price?

Hi everyone:-)

I have a person renting my place for 1 month and I agreeed to charge

1715euro for the whole stay. When I sent her a special offer,

she told me that her price is 2050euros. Of course she has AirBnB

fees on top of my price.


Now, can the price be 350euros in AirBnB fees??


And if I offered her 1715euro for the total I mean mine price that I can't

see, because I cannot see her total price. How to solve this and how can

I see the total of her reservation? Because when I tell her that I set the

price for 1715euro like we agreed, she cannot believe me because all

she sees is 2050 euros.


Please, explain, I would be gratefula dn you would help me a lot!!!


Thank you!!!



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Como, CO

I am surprised she can not see the breakdown, I have never been a guest but I have had guests show me their confirmation which does breakdown the total.


My guess is she wants to pay the amount you agreed inclusive of fees.


Thank you, David for your message:-)!


Being a host, I actually sometimes cannot see my price

breakdown sometimes... (on the leftside of our messagings)

But I can always see it on the confirmation e-mail.


David, may I ask when did they show you their breakdown?

After they arrived or before through AirBnB? Maybe I can

ask her to send me her breakdown? (the guests are coming

in 2 weeks).

This is when they arrived and thought they needed someting to show me. To be honest I have never been that interested in what their charge is exactly, something I will need to look at when using other channnels.
