How to make same listing swich from private room to private apartment?

Level 1
Berlin, Germany

How to make same listing swich from private room to private apartment?

Hi everyone!

I have 2 room apartment and normally I rent one room. When I travel, I rent the whole apartment so I have different listing. But for short trips I keep renting only the guest room but as privat aparment. Is it possible to swich from privat room to privat apartment in one same listing? Lets say during the week will show as privat room but in the weekends when Im not here will show as a privat aparment...

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Traverse City, MI

You can create a second "private" listing that is just available during the days you'll be gone. If you synch the calendars it'll keep you from double booking the place. Make sure your rules on the private listing cover shenanigans that might go on when you're not home - people seem to have better manners when the host is around!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Yes you can

  • Host
  • Manage Listing(click listing of your choice which will open default calendar page)
  • Menu(click for dropdown menu-four horizontal bar icon, top left hand corner)
  • Basics(change details here)


I feel like this is a lot of hassle as you need to keep changing details, updating rules and description etc., it's better to create an entire new listing for the entire flat and just snooze between the calendars as appropriate. Also this way, there is no risk of any misleading information as it can be very easy to forget to change/ update or miss something out with constant swapping.


All the best,



Level 3
Denver, CO

Hello! I just made a posting similar to this in Host Voice. If the posting gains popularity from hosts they will review it for future changes. Your issue is a very common one - people like to adjust to "entire home" for certain dates, but is not currently an option. I suggest reading through other similar posts and then making a summary post in Host Voice.

Please go "like" my post to help get this feature added.