Is there a way to get request from guest having at least 1 review on their profile?
I have got a lot of people sending request with no review. Then it is really risky to decide to accept or decline based on a simple message discussion.
Is there any option to have this parameter on Airbnb?
@Aurélien4 No. The only thing you can do is block unreviewed guests from Instant Booking. There's not a way to make inquiries and requests exclusive.
But actually, the best indicator of what kind of experience you'll have with a guest is going to be the quality of communication in your initial messages.
Thanks for the input @Anonymous ! In my case I haven't activated Instant Booking, only bookings on request. Ok, I will ask in this case the guest to go through the ID verification, but not sure it give more security than getting the official name of the guest.
Another thing I do not like is that when those guests make requests, my calendar is blocked for the time i haven't approved and/or declined. So another more reviewed guest can't make any request...