Seems Airbnb may have listened to the hosts ever so slightly. While the new review process in place today is a nudge in the right direction it is not nearly a large enough step to satisfy us.
Page 1:
The three star categories (cleanliness, communication & house rules) have all been combined on one page instead of three separate pages.
We also get to see the guest's name for whom, we are leaving the review on this page.
*************Note to Airbnb: Hosts with multiple homes still need to be able to view WHICH home the guest stayed in, not just their name on this page.
Page 2:
Text box for public review.
Page 3:
Text box for private message.
Page 4:
Click to recommend (or not).
*************Note to Airbnb: The one page form was still MUCH easier and faster and we would appreciate a return to that page ASAP.