I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hello, I am somewhat new to this whole AirBnb thing. Stumbled upon it through Tv/internet etc and in my quest to reduce travel expences, that is to say, avoid costly hotels, I thought it was a good option. So I have stayed in a place in Sydney, Austalia, hosted my own place, both of which were a huge success. Unfortunately, a recent booking in Gainesville, Florida (1940's cottage seen on FYI by Danny) was a complete disaster. Since I was required to stay in Gainesville at a hotel for one night prior, I took the opportunity to drive by the location of the house prior to the 3pm check-in. It was in a less than savory part of town. I took pictures quickly and contacted Airbnb for support. There was a partially boarded up (gun shot/bricks thrown?) Beer/Wine/Liquer store right across the road w/vagrants loitering and one sleeping on the sidewalk, a derlict home w/chain link fencing and all the weeks laundry strung out over it etc. This is NOT how the images are presented on their page. As for AirBnb, they were supportive since I sent pictures, however indicated that no-one is required to speak much of the surrounding area. I was refunded my money less one night and re-assured that I would be able to write a constructive review, though I did not eneter the facility and stated just that. Now, interestingly enough, my review is no-where to be found and my attempts and to be provided an answer as to why it appears to have convenitently disappeared fell upon deaf ears. Add'l, the host left me a review stating I was a wonderful guest - HUH???? I NEVER STEPPED FOOT IN HIS PLACE. Seems to me that AirBnb focuses more on the financial gain of a deceptive host and their subsequent reviews and not that of a frustrated traveller who clearly proved that the surrounding neighborhood should be discussed/addressed. More importantly, where is my review indicating this?
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Many thanks for your response. Yes, to be sure, there are “nutters” amongst all of us and the push for justice appears to be a constant battlefield. Your situation is clearly not unique either and must have equally frustrated you. AirBnB acknowledges that they received my review and stated that it was not within their guidelines which is complete and utter rubbish. It merely indicated my situation, cancellation due to lack of comfort of the surrounding neighborhood, that I had pics. of what was directly across the street (pics were forwarded to AirBnB)and that I confirmed I had never stepped foot in the property and therefore couldn’t speak to the interiors all of which I had gone over with Airbnb support staff prior to submitting. I find it interesting that the host nonetheless gave me a stellar review yet I had never entered his property. Additionally, fascinating that everything these days to be 5 star. This property in Gainesville is far from 5 star. Btw-words used in my review, “partially boarded up beer/wine/liqueur store directly across the street w/someone sleeping on the curbside”, “unsavory neighborhood”, “chain linked fenced property w/weeks worth laundry strung out over it” etc. If you have any interest in seeing the pics., let me know-it made for some much needed laughter amongst friends after the incident.
hello @Justine106 ,
Is the review listed in your account under "written reviews" ?
If it's not there, it gone definitely or something went wrong technically at time you wrote it.
No. It is NOT. As for a technical issue, I sincerely doubt that. All too convenient and something I’ve been extremely suspicious of. Airbnb caters to the host that collects many 5 star reviews-ever wondered how EVERYTHING is 5 star when clearly the property I’m referring to is far from that?
It's cheap, which - by your own admission - is why you chose Airbnb, and there's vry little they can do about the location (which you should have researched). Also, their guests have all been very upbeat about it.
Perhaps you aren't used to grittier areas?
Hey Gordon-I mean, REALLY? Was it my profile that somehow got your East End dander up? I’ve lived in Cairo and Lahore. Gritty enough for you? Just not a fan of calculated misrepresentation or convenient lack of discussion of neighboring surroundings. As for you on AirBNb, well, I mean, what more should I have expected?
I'm afraid I had to Google 'East End dander' and am frankly still none the wiser. And hailing from west London, I can't describe myself as a 'Cockney'.
Anyway, I'm more puzzled by the host's 200+ positive reviews...what it is that that those guests saw that you didn't?
Perhaps public school would have helped and no doubt all the negative reviews were removed.
@Justine106 No, airbnb doesn't focus on the financial gain of hosts, it focuses on the financial gain of the company. If you read through a few pages of the Hosting section, you will see what hosts have to deal with regarding how they are treated by airbnb. The company is, in fact, much more solicitous of guests, as guests are what fill their coffers.
That said, as you describe the listing, it does sound quite unattractive and it seems the host misrepresents it in the listing, which is not okay. You can flag a listing- it will cause airbnb to examine the listing and possibly remove it if found that it is not acceptable.
@Justine106, could your review be down the list of the 278 reviews they have? Airbnb sort reviews not in chronological order, but rather based on the search experience they are guessing that a guest wants. So, reviews by people of similar search criteria will sort top. Just a thought. It is impossible to remove a review unless it breaches the rules. Can't be removed just because it is bad, in that case many hosts would do it!
And since these men are such busy hosts, they have very likely sent a generic review of you as guest, not even remembering who you were. Unless there's a problem with a guest, they will probably just respond to every review request with a ''wonderful guest, thank you for staying'' type of thing.
I am sorry you didn't have a better experience this time!
@Justine106 I've added the Chrome extension that cross references what reviews have been written & given for any profile and I can tell you that it does not think that you left a review for that property.
Start to finish, this story is odd. I'm quite surprised that abb would make you pay for a place that you said you were unwilling to stay at, that sounds like an automatic refund to me. And then for the review to vanish is unusual.
I can say that I once had a guest who was upset that they had to pay for damage that they caused so they then wrote a 1* rant-y review after all their prior communication said that they loved everything about our place. ABB CS "hid" that review (said it was visible to ABB, but not to the public) bc it was "confusing". So, it is possible for a review to go away (perhaps if something you said sounded "discriminatory" toward the neighborhood??)
What's silly about that is that reviews being allowed for cancelled stays came to exist for listings just like the one you are describing
Many thanks for your response. Yes, to be sure, there are “nutters” amongst all of us and the push for justice appears to be a constant battlefield. Your situation is clearly not unique either and must have equally frustrated you. AirBnB acknowledges that they received my review and stated that it was not within their guidelines which is complete and utter rubbish. It merely indicated my situation, cancellation due to lack of comfort of the surrounding neighborhood, that I had pics. of what was directly across the street (pics were forwarded to AirBnB)and that I confirmed I had never stepped foot in the property and therefore couldn’t speak to the interiors all of which I had gone over with Airbnb support staff prior to submitting. I find it interesting that the host nonetheless gave me a stellar review yet I had never entered his property. Additionally, fascinating that everything these days to be 5 star. This property in Gainesville is far from 5 star. Btw-words used in my review, “partially boarded up beer/wine/liqueur store directly across the street w/someone sleeping on the curbside”, “unsavory neighborhood”, “chain linked fenced property w/weeks worth laundry strung out over it” etc. If you have any interest in seeing the pics., let me know-it made for some much needed laughter amongst friends after the incident.
In the world of AirBnB 5 Stars is fine, 4 Stars is bad.
4 stars will get a Host a warning and possibly de listed.
AirBnb is also very strong on Discrimination and I assume hat is where you review crossed the line.
No. AirBnB is hypersensitive and not, rightfully so. So, therefore you are suggesting that such words as, “unsavory neighborhood”, “partially boarded up beer/wine/liquor store”, “chain link fencing w/weeks worth of laundry hanging on it” is discriminatory? Wouldn’t you want to know the surrounding neighborhood? The onus on describing the home and its surrounding neighborhood ( full disclosure) falls upon the host. The choice of booking (after full disclosure) falls upon me. And no, maps/google earth do not discuss the degree of the neighborhood to which my photographs represented. Nor did it capture the vagrant (look the word up) slung over on the side walk in front of the liquor store. This was a stones throw away from the front door.
@Justine106 I don't see the phrases you quoted above as being considered disciminatory, but if you mentioned the vagrant in your review I can see where airbnb might consider that to be. While the whole scene may have been unsavory to you and not somewhere you would have been comfortable staying, homeless people (vagrants) rarely cause problems or present a danger- they stick to themselves, and are often passed out drunk.
Sarah-simply not the point. If the host was so proud of his surroundings and he stated he was in his caustic responses, I questioned him as to why he therefore wouldn’t submit such images of the area. We both know why he wouldn’t.