I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hello, I am somewhat new to this whole AirBnb thing. Stumbled upon it through Tv/internet etc and in my quest to reduce travel expences, that is to say, avoid costly hotels, I thought it was a good option. So I have stayed in a place in Sydney, Austalia, hosted my own place, both of which were a huge success. Unfortunately, a recent booking in Gainesville, Florida (1940's cottage seen on FYI by Danny) was a complete disaster. Since I was required to stay in Gainesville at a hotel for one night prior, I took the opportunity to drive by the location of the house prior to the 3pm check-in. It was in a less than savory part of town. I took pictures quickly and contacted Airbnb for support. There was a partially boarded up (gun shot/bricks thrown?) Beer/Wine/Liquer store right across the road w/vagrants loitering and one sleeping on the sidewalk, a derlict home w/chain link fencing and all the weeks laundry strung out over it etc. This is NOT how the images are presented on their page. As for AirBnb, they were supportive since I sent pictures, however indicated that no-one is required to speak much of the surrounding area. I was refunded my money less one night and re-assured that I would be able to write a constructive review, though I did not eneter the facility and stated just that. Now, interestingly enough, my review is no-where to be found and my attempts and to be provided an answer as to why it appears to have convenitently disappeared fell upon deaf ears. Add'l, the host left me a review stating I was a wonderful guest - HUH???? I NEVER STEPPED FOOT IN HIS PLACE. Seems to me that AirBnb focuses more on the financial gain of a deceptive host and their subsequent reviews and not that of a frustrated traveller who clearly proved that the surrounding neighborhood should be discussed/addressed. More importantly, where is my review indicating this?
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Many thanks for your response. Yes, to be sure, there are “nutters” amongst all of us and the push for justice appears to be a constant battlefield. Your situation is clearly not unique either and must have equally frustrated you. AirBnB acknowledges that they received my review and stated that it was not within their guidelines which is complete and utter rubbish. It merely indicated my situation, cancellation due to lack of comfort of the surrounding neighborhood, that I had pics. of what was directly across the street (pics were forwarded to AirBnB)and that I confirmed I had never stepped foot in the property and therefore couldn’t speak to the interiors all of which I had gone over with Airbnb support staff prior to submitting. I find it interesting that the host nonetheless gave me a stellar review yet I had never entered his property. Additionally, fascinating that everything these days to be 5 star. This property in Gainesville is far from 5 star. Btw-words used in my review, “partially boarded up beer/wine/liqueur store directly across the street w/someone sleeping on the curbside”, “unsavory neighborhood”, “chain linked fenced property w/weeks worth laundry strung out over it” etc. If you have any interest in seeing the pics., let me know-it made for some much needed laughter amongst friends after the incident.
@Justine106 I was speaking to the fact that airbnb did not publish your review and possibly why, which was one of the things you were upset about. I agree completely with the importanceof a host fully disclosing things which could be of concern to potential guests.
I had to go check and I have a couple of exterior views but obviously that is not my main focus.
I also have no idea what East End Dander is.
Public Schools, well I tend to think of places like Harrow and Eaton, do appreciate it can mean other things but not clear what the reference is here.
Without knowing what you said impossible to comment.
Response, David, was not meant for you. And appreicate your guidance. I'm a Brit and another Brit was attempting to be cheeky rather than attempt to guide me thru a constuctive resolution. Sorry. I fall on my sword.
Yeah, and then there's this: I am researching other hosting platforms as although I have been very successful with my guest house via AirBnB I am quite disgusted once I realized they were jacking up a long-term stay special offer I made (usual 35% monthly discount with a little bit extra shaved off) with nearly another half again for their cut. They were going to charge the traveling professional nearly another $300 on top of my $650 offer. Which made the potential guest back off. Turns out AirBnB admitted they penalize those of us with lower rates (after I had to come down on my base rate due to the glut of such AirBnB lodgings in our area).This scalping the guests and screwing the host out of desirable long-term stay bookings doesn't fly with me.
Other HOSTS have any suggestions how to combat the issue of a ridiculously high mark-up margin?