Response rates inaccurate

Level 2
San Francisco, CA

Response rates inaccurate

I have only missed my 24 hour response rate a couple of times, but am getting messages from Airbnb that my account may be deactivated due to my poor response rate. I realized today that some of my responses are not registering. For example, it took me hours to get a decline to go through to an inquiring guest. Every time I tried nothing showed up as the decline occurring. The message to the guest wasn't happening either. This is a recent occurrence and I am wondering if this may be why Airbnb thinks I'm not responding to guests. This is a fairly new situaton, but I don't know how to contact Airbnb to get it rectified. Any thoughts?

1 Reply 1
Level 3
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hi, @Mitchell1 that actually happened to me too in the beginning, and it always scared me! But it stopped happening with the time, I believe the more inquiring quests/total messages we have, the less it'll happen, since it's proportional, so when we have 10 messages, if we don't answer only 1 in time, it's enough for Airbnb to see it as we are not answering good part of our inquiries! The other thing I believe that happens is that Airbnb takes some time to update our status, so don't worry give it some time and if it doesn't change you can contact them and maybe that's some sort of bug! Hope it helps!