Hi All,
I am a new host, and have a couple of one night bookings in place (first one tonight). This morning I have had a request from a lady (under 25) requesting to come tomorrow with 3 others and stay for 6 days. All she has said is "Hi there, looking forward to staying in your annex". I have looked at her reviews (there are three) one says perfect, one says she brought more guests than she said, that they were not tidy and the host would not recommend, and the third said communication was all right but the lady did not mention a couple of things that had happened during her stay.
I am concerned as we have two single beds and a double (sofa bed so no additional seating) and it will be cramped for 4 guests for 6 nights, and because of her reviews. Everything in the annex is brand new and I really don't want it trashed by our second guest.
Should I accept or decline. Does anything happen if I decline, do I have to give a reason?
Thanks in Advance