Strange discount applied

Level 1
Wollongong, Australia

Strange discount applied

Hi community, I sent the following to the help centre message system, but figured I'd post it here too. Any thoughts?



I'm a new host and something strange has happened with my 4th guest. When I listed the room I invoked the discount for the first 3 guests. After 2 guests I got a message from someone who wanted to stay for 52 nights. I pre-approved her stay without realising that the discount would be applied for the entire time. However, then the pre-approval expired and in the meantime I had a 3rd guest book. Following that, the long term guest (now my 4th guest and therefore beyond the 3 guest initial discount) booked but has been given a steep discount and I cannot figure out where the discount is coming from.

My base rate is $50/night, with a 25% discount for stays of a month or more. Therefore the total fee for the 52 nights should be something like 52x50x0.75x0.97=1891.5 (assuming 3% AirBnB service fee). However, the total fee shown on the guest's booking is $1383. I don't know how this number is arrived at, and in fact the details on the calendar state:

$843 x 52 nights $1430
Service fee -$47.19
Total (AUD) $1382.81

I do not understand this (where is the $843 number coming from?). My other reservations make sense as listed in the calendar, but this one is confusing and now I have an international guest coming and I will have the room tied up for roughly half of my usual nightly fee...

Please assist

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You probably have set a fixed price for certain months.

843,- based on 30 nights, recalculated to 52 nights.

Level 1
Wollongong, Australia

Thank you, the recalculation makes sense and I hadn't realised that. However, the $843 is still a mystery. The only discounts listed are length of stay discounts of 20% for a week or 25% for a month. According to the 'Custom monthly prices' window I have no fixed price discounts.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It seems the guest also got the special 20%, as 50 x 0.55 (20% + 25% discount) x 52 = 1430,-

(per month 50 x 0.55 x 30 = 825,-)

If also no rulesets (when using multicalender) are active, then only option is to contact Airbnb and let them explain the calculation issue.

Contact Airbnb - Community Guide [Updated]


Level 1
Wollongong, Australia

Yep, those numbers make sense. Thank you! I've contacted Airbnb and they've said it was a glitch on their side, as there should only be a 25% discount as per my discount structure. It's basically as if the initial offer (20% off for my first 3 guests only) has been expanded somehow to my 4th guest, who also got the 25% long term stay discount.