Website Error!

Level 1
Sikia, Greece

Website Error!

the airbnb website lists me as base price 150 euro, which I never entered, ever - my base price is 90 euros. I have been demoted way down on the listings for the region even when I specify the specified village; consequently I am not getting bookings. Ocassionally when I search, as if from a potential guest, it states 90 euro but more frequently 150. I am classified as a super host, but everything has dried up. I would like to contact airbnb direct - any suggestions?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Patricia164 ,

Your listing shows other prices then only 90 Euro. For example from 20 august it gives my 100 Euro a night.

For 6 guests it gives 160,- Euro a night. 

When i search for "Sikia" there is no suggestion on "Macedonië Thracië" , as mentioned on your listing.

Airbnb suggests "Halkidiki", and then Sikia with also your listing shows up. It says 90 Euro on the map!

When i filter "6 guests" it says: 150,- Euro. 

Your listing title is rather strange with all the "/" in it  and maybe you should not include the price there.

If you want to contact Airbnb (includuing phone number Greece) see:

Contact Airbnb - A Community Help Guide [UPDATED]

Hope this helps,
