Why is multicalendar view no longer showing up?

Level 2
Louisville, KY

Why is multicalendar view no longer showing up?

When I choose to see all listings in my calendar, it no longer shows the multicalendar view. It shows only one of my four. What gives?

Top Answer
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Peggy88 Try going to your "account settings" then click "settings" you might have the screen below with a bit of luck, then you can switch on professional hosting tools.



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30 Replies 30
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Try reloading the multicalender @Jeff159, click the link and scroll down to another link that says "Use the tools now"


I was recently told that a host has to have 6 or more listings.  They took our multilisting view away.  I have 3.

That just takes me back to the hosting page where the calendar option will still not show the multicalendar view.

Level 2
Byron Bay, Australia

I have 4 listing too, and rely on the multi-calendar, and I can't access it, have tried and tried! I'm agog that this isn't working as I will have a lot more work keeping trying track of my listings. I've written "feedback' to Airbnb, asking if this feature is gone...I see someone says we must have 6 listings. What is Airbnb thinking

if they may think this feature needs tinkering with!

Level 10
Bexley, Australia

I cant work without multi calendar. Am researching alternatives.  Has anyone used Porter app which is designed for Airbnb multi calendar? 

I have 3 listings and can't live without multi-calendar either. I have written feedback as well to request them to bring it back. I am lost without this feature. If you know other alternatives, please let me know.


The accepted solution works.  I had the same problem with 4 listings.

Level 2
Arrecife, Spain

Maybe if we all express our despair they could reverse the change. Specially because i have been working more than 2 years with the multicalendar / multicalendario having 3 rooms.

Level 2
Arrecife, Spain

I read that this is just a forum, we need to complain to the right person, can someone help finding the right address. 

Level 2
Chesapeake, VA

I am having the same issue as mentioned in this string with mulitcalendar no longer being available when clicking the view multicalendar link. I have called in multiple times since last time this broke they didnt find the issue in regression testing before their code drop and they were able to fix it same day. Not sure why this time its taking so long to resolve, but they did assure me that the functionaly criteria was not changing, if you had access to mulitcalender listings before, once it fixed you should have access again. yet noone seems to be able to provide an ETR

Level 2
Chesapeake, VA

 If you are still having issues with viewing the multicaldar option since the last update, the functionality has moved from the listing tab to the calendar tab and you can access via this link


If you have more than six listings there is another link that provides additional functionality


That first link is the link that doesn't work anymore.  I also have three listings and hate that I can't access the multicalendar any more!


Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Peggy88 Try going to your "account settings" then click "settings" you might have the screen below with a bit of luck, then you can switch on professional hosting tools.



Yes!  This worked!  Thanks so much!