What hosts are saying

    i have 2 payout methods, one in usd and that is my default but i want the new payout method i added for payment in pounds to be my default .how do i delete the usd one? Latest reply by Miloud0
    Buenas Tardes, Quisiera advertiles de una modalidad que se a venido presentando en la ciudad de Medellin, muchas personas sin fotos de perfil, sin ninguna observacion de viajes anteriores y con una cuenta recien abierta, y quien sabe si hasta huespedes co... Latest reply by Emiel1
    hi I need to change my email address to my husband's for hosting but it won't let me as he already has an account. Any ideas? Thanks! Latest reply by Emiel1
    Hi there - I’ve left a review for a guest but it says there was an error loading it. Do you know how I can check if the review has been done properly? Latest reply by Emiel1
    I recently had a disasterous experience at one of my units where it was rented and used as a late night party venue. One of the features I offer is self check-in as my units are fully automated. However, at the recent incident I did the check-in person... Latest reply by Branka-and-Silvia0
    Hello guys!I am currently a co-host for a cabin and is looking for someone to help with cleaning the cabin every checkout as our reservations have increased. Please leave a comment down below or send me a message if interested and I would be more than hap...
    Hello, I'm hosting a gastronomic experience whose title is:Unique Tasting Experience.I just received an alert from a person interested in participating that we do not offer food.Well, that's a mistake. Because what we offer is food.This wrong information ...