What Hosts are saying

    Hi there... I just put new payment method (new bank account), and status of that method is "NEW", while two another method, old ones, are with "READY" status.., so is there anyone who can explain to me what it means "NEW", because I can not put that new m... Latest reply by Laura762
    Wondering if I can change the badges it shows on my listing? I like the lightning bolt better than the suitcase. Currently, it shows super host and business suitcase. I know when I look for a property to rent, I always look for the bolt first. Thanks! Latest reply by Jamie86
    Hi, I need help with setting the location on Airbnb.Location is wrongly placed (It is about 3 km differences to the correct location) and when I try to fix it, on my screen apears this.Please help! Thank you, Josipa Latest reply by Felipe99
    • location.jpg
    Hi everyone. I'm new but am trying to get the superhost status as soon as possible. I'll have everything I need by the end of this review period except that the Review Rate is stuck at 0. Does anyone know why my review rate still shows zero even though I'... Latest reply by Branka-and-Silvia0
    Hi there,My name is Michelle Mai. I love to travel, explore local places that are "free" but "must see" when I visit a place. I know how hard it is that we have to make an effort, spend money and invest time to take a vacation. We have to look for plac... Latest reply by Linda108