What hosts are saying

    Sarei interessato ad affittare un appartamento ma prima di affittare vorrei se fosse possibile conoscere quante richieste di affitto ci sono nella mia zona. È possibile risalire a queste informazioni?Grazie per l'attenzione
    Hello there, i have a problem about the booking . I just left from my job this week so I can not manage the booking any more and want to close my account. Is that possible to cancel them please ? Latest reply by Roberta2
    why is my money on pending?
    10 days ago I had someone rent my unit and then throw a huge party (completely against all my rules) and causing a lot of damage to my unit. I notice the problem at 4 AM when I woke to more than 60 notifications that my basement door was being opened and... Latest reply by Lydia94
    I did not receive my payoneer card it’s been more than 2 weeks. I want to get my payout and I don’t know how to do that kindly help me with it Latest reply by Miloud0
    Ciao a tutte e a tutti,Sono in difficoltà perché sebbene io abbia la prenotazione istantanea e risulti attiva per il mio annuncio quando lo visualizzo io, se gli utenti attivano il filtro della prenotazione istantanea il mio annuncio non compare. All'assi...
    588 111th Avenue NorthI missed the opportunity to leave a public message at the home's site because I was trying to negotiate with the owner, but had no luck for any refund with this awful experience. We stayed here for a week in July. When I booked I wa...