calendar sync w/ multiple rooms

Level 1
Papaikou, HI

calendar sync w/ multiple rooms



We have 3 separate listings: Room A, Room B or Room A+B (2 bedroom rental).


With Calender sync we  need to block Room A+B if we get a confirmation for Room A or Room B.  Is there a way to do this?


Currently we linked listing Room A+B with Listing Room A and Listing Room B. However after blocking listing room A+B on the calendar, the other listings are still available, but shouldn't be.


Can someone help us?





3 Replies 3
Level 1
Mumbai, India

I am facing the same issue!

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

Yes I have done it.

phone your country’s air bnb number as a host and get the operator to talk you through ALL the steps needed to co-ordinate all your listings as you speak with them over the phone following their instructions.

Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Tejas7  Here's how to link them. 


How do I link Airbnb calendars for multiple listings?

If you have multiple listings on Airbnb (for example, an entire home and a room inside that home), you can link their Airbnb calendars to prevent double-bookings.

To link Airbnb calendars for multiple listings:


  1. Go to Listings on and click a listing whose calendar you'd like to link
  2. Click Availability
  3. Next to Linked Airbnb calendars, click Link
  4. Click Create linked calendars, then select the listing for the entire home you’d like to link to other calendars
  5. Click Next
  6. Select the listings inside of the home, then click Save


Note: If you don’t indicate that the listings are connected, a reservation for one listing won’t automatically block those reservation dates on the other listing's calendar. For example, if the primary listing is booked for a certain date, then it will block that date on the calendars of any listings under it, and vice versa. However, if you block a date on a calendar of a listing under the primary listing, it won't block the calendars of other listings at that level, only the calendar of the primary listing it's linked to.\