cannot find my listing

Level 2

cannot find my listing

Hi all, I still cannot find my listing unless I log in as a host. Why is that? My profile says I am listed though. Can you please help? Thank you

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Espinho, Portugal

Hello Anne,


Try to narrow the search for your listing by applying some filters. Here are some tips:


  1. Go to and enter the location of your listing
  2. Select dates that you’ve confirmed are available and that fit within your calendar settings and requirements
  3. Select the number of guests that your listing can accommodate and click Search
  4. On the results page, use search filters to narrow down to a set of listings you can easily look through to find your own


Additionally, follow this link to see how the search results are determined:



You can also see if your listing is showing up in search results by checking the number of views your listing has:


  1. Go to your Stats on
  2. Under Views, you can check how many times your listing was viewed by Trip Date orSearch Date


Hope this helps,




Level 2
West Orange, NJ

I cannot find my listing. It is saying listed, but when i gave info for somebody to use it and do booking, it does not come up.