contacting a human being

Level 2
Portland, OR

contacting a human being

I am a superhost, and yet I really don't know how to use airbnb. I would like to speak to a real human being for works for this organization, not elicit the community opinion on a topic without being able to resolve it. Where does the rubber meet the road? Anyone with real contact info?

Thanks so much.


7 Replies 7
Level 3
Boston, MA

I would like to know that too. I am trying to just ask a question that is not covered in all there options, but (at least while using the app) I can't get a person!! Or email- just want to ask a person.
Level 2
Colorado Springs, CO

Hi hosts!
I've had success in calling AirBnB directly at 855-424-7262. After calling, I have furthered conversations with them via email, depending on which representative I have spoken to. You can also go to the help center on the website and start a dialogue with a rep on one subject that you have a question about, and then carry it on to other topics. The website is quite comprehensive though, so doing a little browsing through the Help Center may get you on the right track. Hope this helps!

I tried this one as well as 415-800-5959.


on hold for 18 minutes on the number you  show.


Once they answered, I asked how to connect to a local office, and the manila call center I was speaking with suggested "call back again and perhaps it will connect domestically."  I pushed back a bit and asked for a number that I could call since the tech teenagers making $200K a year must have written code in the algorithym that includes an option to speak with someone at the company in some situations.  She next gave me the above number.  After 21 minutes on hold, I was connected with Gladys (in manila also) - she then hung up on me...


Anyone else have luck getting a person who works FOR AIRBNB to help?





We are hosts in Portland, Oregon. Very successful with our little suite near downtown. A couple of years ago AirBnbstruck a deal with the city that said Portland hosts have to have short term occupancy permits. We jumped through all the permit process but only 5 percent of hosts have done it. A British guy named George called me fromAirBnb months later wanting to know how it had gone for us...and I let him know!!! We had to hunt for the process, write to the mayor's office to finally find the channel, etc. but two years later it is the same...95 % of hosts don't have permits and AirBnb is routinely getting bad press here ( our guests keep coming though). George invited me down to their super swank office in Portland for lunch...they have free chef prepared food for all the employees. I was there two hours and saw lots of people standing around talking, taking two hour lunches and never saw anyone at work. I sent George an email with my observations and asked him to cc me to whoever he forwarded my comments to. Of course that never happened. If you want to know why you can't get a human interaction it's because they aren't really at work. We all work hard to provide their cool party work atmosphere.

Hi @Chris-and-Adelle0


I'm in agreement with you. I've emailed them about an issue and a CSR named Erin emailed me back 2 MONTHS later! Ha! I told her the issue has been resolved, not by you however. And I asked her why I'm giving airbnb 15% of every stay in my home, is it ONLY because you have a website? Its not because I get any assistance. We all come here and advise each other like some sort of post apocalyptic anarchy happened and there’s no one in charge. It is just insane.  Sure enough it didn't take 2 months for an email apology. But seriously 3% on my end and another 9 - 12% from the guest. And no matter how you cut it that 12 - 15% is from the host. I told Erin I’m thinking about alternative sites. I'd like a company that stands behind and with the people that make them successful, hopefully airbnb will get it together quickly and do that. Because this is absurd.



Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Particularly as a super host you should be familiar with how to use BNB.

Try using the search function here for ways to contact them - people ask how to contact BNB daily you will see details listed hundreds of times.
Level 2
Queenstown, New Zealand

Did you ever find a human to talk too i would love to talk to them too pls