help guest

Level 1
Glasgow, United Kingdom

help guest

someone has asked to stay. this is my first time acception. They have been verified but i can see no reviews. Nor can i see their profile. I click on their picture but get no information. Can anyone help?


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

If you see no reviews, they probably are new guests who don't have any reviews yet. If there is no profile to go with the picture, they have not written anything there.

Level 2
Bundaberg, Australia

I've also had an issue like this. When doing general searching on airbnb I can look at people's profiles but when someone books and I try to access it (at least on my phone, can't remember if I've tried on the computer) I can't seem to get there.

The other poster may well still be correct - the guest may not have reviews etc. Then it becomes a decision for you as to whether you give them a chance and perhaps their first review (and you them as well) or not.

Hope it all goes well 🙂