legal help

legal help

hallo ,my landlord has given me an eviction notice because i have a profile on airbnb and i could have hosted guests thats his presumption he has made pictures from the airbnb website of my profile and will be presenting it in court can airbnb do something about it ?is this not against the law to use airbnb website or profile  pictures !?

please help

7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @AliAdnan1


Not it is not against the law.


When you list your property on Airbnb it is your responsibility to make sure it is legal for you to do so.


If you do not have a clause in your tenancy agreement that allows you to sub let your property for short term lettings then you shouldn't be doing so.


Level 10
Kraków, Poland

What is more, @AliAdnan1, even owners sometimes face limitations to their rights. I am an owner and ban on subletting will be on if the first clauses I will include in long term contracts later this year.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

@Helen3@Marzena4, I think what @AliAdnan1 might be saying is that he is being accused of hosting when he doesn't even have a listing (that is, he is just an AirBnB guest). He said the landlord is accusing him just because he has an AirBnB profile, not because he created a listing and is hosting people.


Ali, did you create a listing? Have you ever hosted a guest on AirBnB?


If you have never hosted anyone, perhaps you can provide your Transaction History and show you have never been a host.


I think the landlord should prove @AliAdnan1 guilty, not an innocent person prove their innocence

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
Como, CO

If you have not illegally sub let then not sure what the issue is.

Level 1
New York, NY

I own two units in the same building next to each other. I opened a door from my unit to the next door unit. I rent out my next door unit on airbnb. Now my building told me that its illegal. I told them that i live on the permisses. Therefore, its legal. Can someone let me know how does this work?


I'm facing a similar situation with my HOA in SC.... The Board of Directors interprets a clause in our Master Deed that states "A unit my be rented only in its entirety". I have a two-bedroom unit. I have a long-term tennant/friend that lives in one bedroom and maintains the space while I'm away. I rent out my bedroom on AirBnB, and my roommate manages the property basically. In my opinion, this is "renting the space in its entirety," but the board interprets that as only renting part of the space, and is therefore, in violation of the master deed. Some buildings have minimum length-of-stay requirements to renters (1 week, 30 days, etc), or there might be a specific ordinance where you live. If your building has a similar clause to mine about subleasing it may make sense to close the door between the two units and only rent one in its entirety... Late reply, but I hope this helps or that your situation has been resolved!